Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters 6-8.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The problem with branded vacation destinations is that they only offer a ___________ opportunity for branding convergence.
(a) Fake.
(b) Temporary.
(c) Pushy.
(d) Permanent.
2. Newsworthy stories and important stories may be ___________ when a corporation does not agree with the piece.
(a) Killed.
(b) Ignored.
(c) Hidden.
(d) Shown.
3. Some corporations have even paid college students to talk up their ___________ while being paid to do so.
(a) Classes.
(b) Trends.
(c) Brands.
(d) Books.
4. Disney's _________ network now has sports bars and credit cards with its name on it so that the brand might expand into all areas of life.
(a) ABC.
(b) CBS.
(c) ESPN.
(d) TNT.
5. ___________ is a retailer which has engaged in price wars, offering prices so low that no competitor can ever compete.
(a) Meijer.
(b) K-Mart.
(c) Wal Mart.
(d) Gap.
Short Answer Questions
1. The fiercest battles are not between the products, but they are between the branded _________ that are constantly redrawing the borders.
2. Markets that respond to the tyranny of size have always had a tendency toward __________.
3. Brand names became synonymous with the idea of corporate __________, and agencies began to focus on the brand rather than the product.
4. Large corporations give money to movie makers in order to get their products prominently featured in __________.
5. Who, when faced with less money, allowed these companies to use their brands in order to gain more money for certain events?
This section contains 229 words (approx. 1 page at 300 words per page) |