Jack: Straight from the Gut Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jack: Straight from the Gut Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To which former U.S. president was Roger Ailes a political adviser?
(a) George H.W. Bush.
(b) Gerald Ford.
(c) Ronald Regan.
(d) George W. Bush.

2. Which aspect of GE's business is the first to introduce long-term service contracts for the company?
(a) Appliances.
(b) Lighting.
(c) Medical systems.
(d) Credit and financial.

3. What attitude best describes the investment banking firm employees?
(a) Backstabbing for higher raises.
(b) Winners at all cost.
(c) Overvalued ideas about themselves.
(d) Lack of confidence due to the scandal.

4. What plays an important role in growing GE's services?
(a) Acquisition.
(b) Promotion.
(c) Expense reduction.
(d) Employee health care.

5. Who transforms GE Capital from a purely financial business into a thriving business that uses deal-making for operational skills?
(a) Talent from GE's industrial business.
(b) Members of Elfun.
(c) Interns.
(d) Former college classmates of Jack's.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the Epilogue, what does Jack once again stress as important to growing a business?

2. What results in greater customer intimacy for GE?

3. What does Jack want to take out of the process of selecting a successor?

4. What is more important than strategy development?

5. Where is Jack's successor introduced?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Jack's successor and where is he introduced?

2. What is the cause of Kidder, Peabody's legal trouble when GE is purchasing it and what scandal arises after the purchase is complete?

3. Briefly discuss how globalization affects GE's development and American facilities.

4. How does e-business change the role of a GE salesperson?

5. How does Jack improve his golf game?

6. What is "wallowing" and how does GE use it?

7. How do technology and information systems change GE's service business fundamentals?

8. Briefly, why is Honeywell a good business for GE to buy?

9. Discuss the importance of "Black Belts" and "Green Belts" in the GE corporate climate.

10. Why does GE find itself under investigation for its industrial diamond business and what is the result?

(see the answer keys)

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