The Search Test | Final Test - Easy

John Battelle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Search Test | Final Test - Easy

John Battelle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the "semantic Web" idea entail?
(a) Web pages are controlled by a central machine that interprets algorithms.
(b) Web pages are controlled by multiple machines that interpret algorithms.
(c) Web pages are tagged with calculus-based strings of logic read by a machine.
(d) Web pages are tagged with algebra-based strings of logic read by a machine.

2. In one example that is cited, what does a son learn about his mother from an Internet search that causes the two to stop talking?
(a) She lied to him about who his father was.
(b) She had been secretly stealing a percentage of his earnings.
(c) She is not his real mother.
(d) She abducted him after losing the custody battle.

3. As Google expands, Page and Brin focus on what important area?
(a) Rebranding the company with a new motto.
(b) Media exposure.
(c) New product development.
(d) Hiring additional employees.

4. What are "The Tablets?"
(a) Detailed employee protocol when dealing with the media or press.
(b) A set of new regulations that the company must follow based on SEC rulings.
(c) Ten ideas for expanding the company in different directions.
(d) A declaration of the company's principals and values.

5. As mentioned in Chapter 10, how many employees does Google plan to have in the next few years?
(a) The same amount.
(b) Fifteen times as many.
(c) Ten times as many.
(d) Half as many.

6. Which company's news and legal citation services are not allowed to use search?
(a) Microsoft.
(b) Yahoo.
(c) CNN.
(d) LexisNexis.

7. What does Battelle find along with the piece of writing he discovers?
(a) An early writing utensil.
(b) Illustrations.
(c) A warning.
(d) The translated text.

8. Who creates "The Tablets?"
(a) Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
(b) Sergey Brin.
(c) Larry Page.
(d) Shona Brown.

9. Google declares that it will sell $2,718,281,828 shares as a tribute to mathematicians and engineers. What does the number 2,718,281,828 represent?
(a) mc.
(b) zeta.
(c) e.
(d) x.

10. What is the example given of a small online business that is driving most of the Internet revenue?
(a) Neil Monteford's online book store.
(b) Neil Montague's online hobby store.
(c) Neil Moncrief's online shoe store.
(d) Neil Moncreit's online furniture store.

11. By trying to stop search spammers in 2003, what does Google inadvertently do?
(a) Removes many small businesses from their top places in the search result pages.
(b) Prevents any new websites from being listed in their database.
(c) Removes all ads from their Web pages.
(d) Reverses the order of websites listed in search results.

12. Which type of search results do illegitimate spammers try to infiltrate the most?
(a) The results with the most SEO content in them.
(b) Organic, non-commercial results.
(c) The most clicked-on results.
(d) Commercial results.

13. Which of the following is not an example given of an outside device that might incorporate search in the future?
(a) Stereos.
(b) Telephones.
(c) Appliances.
(d) Automobiles.

14. How does Battelle describe the path Google is taking?
(a) Immoral.
(b) Chaotic.
(c) Innovative.
(d) Destructive.

15. In Chapter 12, The Epilogue, Battelle discusses how Internet searches can lead to what unintended consequence?
(a) New and enlightening discoveries.
(b) Spam.
(c) Pop-up ads.
(d) Information about other Internet users.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one area where Google might be able to use the semantic Web idea?

2. What has Yahoo learned that Google has not up until this point?

3. Bringing the major themes of the entire book together, Battelle summarizes Internet search in what way?

4. What is Google criticized for by the financial press?

5. What is "click fraud"?

(see the answer keys)

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