The Search Test | Final Test - Easy

John Battelle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Search Test | Final Test - Easy

John Battelle
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 166 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Battelle think is vital to effective advertising, either on the Internet or other forms of media?
(a) Name recognition.
(b) A rapid increase in users or viewers.
(c) A product that appeals to as many different demographics as possible.
(d) The potential customer's intent.

2. In one example that is cited, what does a son learn about his mother from an Internet search that causes the two to stop talking?
(a) She abducted him after losing the custody battle.
(b) She lied to him about who his father was.
(c) She had been secretly stealing a percentage of his earnings.
(d) She is not his real mother.

3. How does Battelle state the question needs to be formed to achieve the desired results?
(a) Just right.
(b) With as much detail as possible.
(c) In an average of five words.
(d) In the shortest way possible.

4. When is the "semantic Web" idea born?
(a) 1996.
(b) 1998.
(c) 1999.
(d) 1997.

5. What is the "SEC?"
(a) Security and Exchange Commission.
(b) Security and Economic Committee.
(c) Stock and Ecommerce Committee.
(d) Stock and Exchange Corporation.

6. Where is a website's SEO primarily used?
(a) In keywords.
(b) In ads.
(c) In articles and website content.
(d) In website descriptions.

7. Which discovery leads Battelle to contemplate the Internet's role in life?
(a) The oldest written story.
(b) The oldest written poem.
(c) The longest written novel.
(d) The shortest written novel.

8. Why does Google decide not to sell stock during its first few years?
(a) The stock market crash deters it from participating in an unstable market.
(b) It generates enough cash from income, so it is not necessary to sell stock to raise capital.
(c) It doesn't think there will be enough shareholders to make it a worthwhile endeavor.
(d) All of the principal partners in the company are against it for ethical reasons.

9. What question does the Florida Supreme Court attempt to answer in 2003?
(a) Does online theft carry the same penalty as offline theft?
(b) What government ethic laws apply to Internet advertisers?
(c) How much profit should an Internet company be allowed to generate?
(d) How much information should be available on the Internet?

10. What is the advantage of having an effective question?
(a) It allows the Internet user to avoid viruses.
(b) It produces faster results.
(c) It yields good results on the first try.
(d) It helps the Internet reduce spam.

11. What are "The Tablets?"
(a) Ten ideas for expanding the company in different directions.
(b) A set of new regulations that the company must follow based on SEC rulings.
(c) Detailed employee protocol when dealing with the media or press.
(d) A declaration of the company's principals and values.

12. How long does Battelle envision a name being included in a search engine's index?
(a) 100 years.
(b) Until the year 3000.
(c) Forever.
(d) Until computer technology is replaced.

13. What year does Google finally decide to go public and sell company stock?
(a) 2003.
(b) 2004.
(c) 2006.
(d) 2005.

14. Which company's WebFountain project attempts to create a semantic Web for large corporations?
(a) IBM.
(b) AT&T.
(c) Microsoft.
(d) Hewlett Packard.

15. What does Mark Maughan do that Battelle finds worth noting?
(a) He illegally gains unrestricted access to Google's main servers.
(b) He is the first victim of online identity theft.
(c) He files a lawsuit against Google.
(d) He is the first person to be banned from Google's search engine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What specific topic from previous chapters does Battelle talk about in illustrating his examples?

2. Which type of search results do illegitimate spammers try to infiltrate the most?

3. Which company's news and legal citation services are not allowed to use search?

4. Why do Google's paid search ads work better than paid television ads?

5. According to Battelle, search engines are on a quest for the "complete mastery" of what?

(see the answer keys)

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