Jack: Straight from the Gut Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Jack: Straight from the Gut Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which GE teams get projects improving every day performance in their current positions?
(a) Red Belt.
(b) Black Belt.
(c) Yellow Belt.
(d) Green Belt.

2. Who is recruited to help GE's online presence?
(a) Younger Internet-savvy talent.
(b) Younger computer game-savvy talent.
(c) Younger software-savvy talent.
(d) Younger network-savvy talent.

3. Who transforms GE Capital from a purely financial business into a thriving business that uses deal-making for operational skills?
(a) Former college classmates of Jack's.
(b) Members of Elfun.
(c) Interns.
(d) Talent from GE's industrial business.

4. Which meeting is Jack's final farewell to the company?
(a) The annual training session.
(b) The semi-annual training session.
(c) A Chamber of Commerce banquet..
(d) The annual GE 550 top leaders meeting.

5. To what is part of GE's annual $50 billion in goods and services transferred?
(a) Lighting development.
(b) Website production.
(c) Medical services.
(d) Online auctions.

6. Once the investment banking firm situation is stabilized, who takes over?
(a) Si Cathcart.
(b) Mike Carpenter.
(c) Jack Webber.
(d) Jack Welch.

7. On which network does Jack host his own show?
(a) CNBC.
(b) Fox News.
(c) CABC.
(d) CNN.

8. How many years before his planned retirement does Jack begin the process of selecting a successor?
(a) 7 days.
(b) 7 months.
(c) 7 weeks.
(d) 7 years.

9. What claim against GE does the Department of Justice investigate in 1991?
(a) Price-fixing of TVs.
(b) Price-fixing of stereos.
(c) Price-fixing of diamonds.
(d) Price-fixing of home surround sound systems.

10. What does Jack learn when he makes a trip to the company's facilities in Japan?
(a) There are already 14 women holding key positions.
(b) The women working there did not meet his standards.
(c) There are only 3 women holding key positions.
(d) Japanese women don't want to work for GE.

11. To whom does GE sell its investment banking firm?
(a) Kidder, Peabody.
(b) Carpenter-Welch.
(c) Paine-Webber.
(d) Chase, Manhattan.

12. How does investment banker Joseph Jett rip off the company?
(a) He makes fictitious trades to inflate his own bonus.
(b) He takes all the office supplies and leaves with them.
(c) He takes money from the corporate safe.
(d) He installs a computer virus company wide.

13. Which aspect of the business complementary to GE fits well with GE's aircraft engine industry?
(a) Wireless electronics.
(b) High-tech avionics.
(c) TV picture tube manufacturing.
(d) Repair shops for plane engines.

14. As Jack attempts to buy the business that complements GE in various areas, what stumbling block does he face?
(a) The Superfund Act.
(b) Congressional inquiries.
(c) The European Commission.
(d) The American Anti-Trust Act.

15. Who earns the title "Father of GE Global Activity"?
(a) Welch.
(b) Drucker.
(c) Fresco.
(d) Webb.

Short Answer Questions

1. What plays an important role in growing GE's services?

2. Who was ranked as the Number 1 CEO golfer by Golf Digest?

3. Jack says China is more than a market. What does he say it is?

4. Which scandalous investment banking firm does GE buy?

5. As GE begins redefining its markets, which industry is the first to be reorganized?

(see the answer keys)

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