Signs of Life in the U.S.A. Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Sonia Maasik
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Signs of Life in the U.S.A. Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Sonia Maasik
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Signs of Life in the U.S.A. Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Brought to You B(u)y: The Signs of Advertising.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the metaphoric essay title, "Addictive Virus," refer to?
(a) Addiction to the Internet and electronic gadgets.
(b) Addiction to the accumulation of things.
(c) Addiction to credit card spending.
(d) Addiction to entertainment and celebrity culture.

2. What is the main purpose of advertisers?
(a) Make the customers think that their product is different from the rest.
(b) Project the message that their products are cool.
(c) Help the customers choose a product based on quality.
(d) Project the message that their customers are elite consumers.

3. Which of the following products is cited by the authors as a cultural icon?
(a) Apple iPod.
(b) Hello Kitty brand items.
(c) Nike shoes.
(d) The Energizer bunny .

4. According to the authors, why do people buy a product?
(a) Because the ad is informative.
(b) Because the ad is funny.
(c) Because they identify with it.
(d) Because they like the images.

5. What are the products that may be promoted by advertisements employing the phenomenon, Democracy of Afflictions?
(a) Mouthwash and antibacterial wipes,
(b) Shoes and socks.
(c) Lipstick and mascara.
(d) Shaving cream and hairbrushes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Fill-in the blank. The significance of a sign does not depend on ___________________.

2. What do media signs often conceal?

3. According to Rachel Bowlby, the author of "The Haunted Superstore, " what do people visiting a superstore not like?

4. How does semiotic interpretation of an advertisement help the customers?

5. Fill-in the blank. People buy products based on a system called ____________.

(see the answer key)

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