Glengarry, Glen Ross Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Glengarry, Glen Ross Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What ability does Lingk say he does not have?
(a) Aggresiveness
(b) Compassion
(c) Optimism
(d) Negotiation

2. Over what period of time does all of Act 1 take place?
(a) One month
(b) One day
(c) Three days
(d) One weeks

3. What major American company does Roma tell Lingk that Levene works for?
(a) General Electric
(b) McKinsey
(c) American Express
(d) Chrystler

4. To what does Roma compare the spectrum of human events?
(a) A carnival
(b) A Shakespearean play
(c) A kaleidescope
(d) A horror film

5. What is Baylen's profession?
(a) A salesman
(b) A police detective
(c) A bartender
(d) A lawyer

6. According to Roma, what will Lingk regret when he dies?
(a) Things he didn't do
(b) Everytime he cheated
(c) All the hours he worked
(d) Nothing

7. What type of coffee does the woman bring Roma the morning after the best sex he ever had?
(a) Black Colombian roast
(b) Cafe au lait
(c) Cappucino
(d) Iced latte

8. How many of the B-list leads does Williamson give Roma?
(a) 2
(b) None
(c) 1
(d) 3

9. What does Roma suggest people do to feel secure?
(a) Turn to God
(b) Accrue wealth
(c) Get married
(d) Have lots of sex

10. Which of the following is not among the items Roma casually compares to real estate in his conversation with Lingk?
(a) Bonds
(b) Off-shore accounts
(c) Objects of art
(d) Stocks

11. Which of the following is not something Roma suggests property might represent?
(a) Money
(b) Comfort
(c) Security
(d) Freedom

12. Which of the following is a Hindu god that Roma invokes while mocking his lead?
(a) Vishnu
(b) Kali
(c) Ganesh
(d) Arjuna

13. What is the cue Roma asks Levene to give him when Lingk arrives at the office?
(a) Kenilworth
(b) St. Louis
(c) Aberdene
(d) Tucson

14. What information does Levene reveal he knows about Williamson after Roma goes to his interview?
(a) Williamson stole the leads for Moss
(b) Williamson didn't send Roma's contract to the bank
(c) Williamson has never done a sit
(d) Williamson is getting fired

15. What does Roma tell Levene is missing from the world at the end of the play?
(a) Beauty
(b) Decency
(c) Adventure
(d) Trust

Short Answer Questions

1. Why, according to Roma, should Moss be unconcerned about the robbery?

2. Which two salesmen are still working for the Company at the end of the play?

3. What smell's vaguely of shit, according to Roma?

4. In Scene 3, Roma lists different reactions people have to uncertainty in life. What is the first human reaction?

5. What does Williamson repeatedly assure Roma that the thieves did not steal?

(see the answer keys)

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