Seinlanguage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Seinlanguage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Seinfeld say is the one thing that is appealing about smoking?
(a) Buying cigarettes
(b) Fire
(c) Relaxation
(d) Smoke

2. What is the title of this chapter?
(a) Getting the message
(b) Paldom
(c) The gift of friendship
(d) The male code

3. What does Seinfeld think a flight attendant should never do?
(a) Wake up a passenger
(b) Run with the food cart
(c) Snarl
(d) Make a joke

4. What is the title of the first section of this chapter?
(a) On the Ground
(b) Look, Up in the Air
(c) Is it a Bird?
(d) Fun, Fun, Fun

5. What word does Seinfeld find funny?
(a) Nightcap
(b) Tumbleweed
(c) Pretty ugly
(d) Fumble

6. What does Seinfeld say is the downside of receiving a message on your answering machine?
(a) Someone who thinks they are funny
(b) You have to listen to it
(c) You have to delete it
(d) Someone wants something

7. What does Seinfeld picture when he hears the word nightcap?
(a) Sex
(b) A hat
(c) Beer
(d) A gown

8. Why does Seinfeld say it is hard to do favors for people?
(a) No one appreciates them
(b) It is too time consuming
(c) No one wants you to do them a favor
(d) It is boring

9. What is male friendship conditional on?
(a) Meeting a woman
(b) Watching sport
(c) The ego
(d) Drinking beer

10. Why is Seinfeld always nervous when he drives to the airport?
(a) He may crash
(b) He may miss his flight
(c) He may have to pick up a strange hitchhiker
(d) He may have forgotten something

11. Who used to be sacrificed in volcanoes?
(a) Witches
(b) Cheating wives
(c) Virgins
(d) Husbands

12. Why does Seinfeld believe people invented the answering machine?
(a) People hate to miss out
(b) People have nothing to say to each other
(c) People always need to say something
(d) People were bored

13. What does Seinfeld think all men are?
(a) Lesbians
(b) Wife beaters
(c) Homosexual
(d) Homophobes

14. Why is Seinfeld disappointed when someone answers the phone?
(a) He is usually talking to another friend
(b) He never knows what to say
(c) He like answering machines
(d) He like ringtones

15. What kind of surgery does Seinfeld say he has never had?
(a) Teeth
(b) Heart
(c) Tonsils
(d) Plastic

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Seinfeld believe women are like when it comes to sex?

2. Why does Seinfeld think it is funny that people lock up their dirty clothes?

3. What does Seinfeld say men are bad at buying?

4. What does Seinfeld compare divorce to?

5. What does Seinfeld think the bathrooms on a plane resemble?

(see the answer keys)

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