The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Test | Final Test - Easy

Bobby Henderson (FSM)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Test | Final Test - Easy

Bobby Henderson (FSM)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the main component in the Flying Spaghetti Monster Simulacrum?
(a) Spray paint.
(b) Glue.
(c) Rubber bands.
(d) Pipe cleaners.

2. The Flying Spaghetti Monster urges Douglas MacArthur to accept the surrender of what country?
(a) Croatia.
(b) Greece.
(c) Japan.
(d) Germany.

3. Why does Henderson say there are so many inaccuracies and contradictions in Pastafarianism.
(a) To test believers' faith.
(b) To see if people are paying attention.
(c) The Pirates drank too much grog while writing the Scriptures.
(d) Because the Flying Spaghetti Monster is careless.

4. Fill in the blank: "When in doubt, ______!!"
(a) Arrrrrgh!
(b) Pillage.
(c) Work it out.
(d) Plunder.

5. What should one do with their completed Pirate-fish stencil?
(a) Spread the word in interesting places.
(b) Give it to a non-believer.
(c) Tag Intelligent Design textbooks.
(d) Vandalize science classrooms.

6. What title is given to Henderson both at the beginning and the end of the book?
(a) Prophet.
(b) Reverend.
(c) Priest.
(d) Pastor.

7. What does Henderson say will provide money to support the Flying Spaghetti Monster's church?
(a) Blackmail money.
(b) Unsolicited donations.
(c) Blood money.
(d) Ransoms.

8. Why must Pastafarianism be taught only by someone wearing "full pirate regalia?"
(a) Pirate clothing is awesome.
(b) It is disrespectful not to do so.
(c) The Flying Spaghetti Monster does not like non-Pirates.
(d) Pirate clothing gets the teacher in the right mindset.

9. Who was Aristotle's pupil?
(a) Marc Antony.
(b) Alexander the Great.
(c) Cleopatra.
(d) Plato.

10. What organization should receive copies of all documentation of Pastafarian persecution?
(a) The ACLU.
(b) The NRA.
(c) The NFL.
(d) The NAACP.

11. What holiday does Henderson say affects the climate?
(a) St. Patrick's Day.
(b) Halloween.
(c) Easter.
(d) Christmas.

12. What structure is described as being "complex and noodlelike?"
(a) The human heart.
(b) The nervous system.
(c) Bacteria flagella.
(d) Spirogyra.

13. What does the Flying Spaghetti Monster reiterate to Einstein in the photo included in "Key Moments in Pastafarian History?"
(a) That E does indeed equal MC squared.
(b) That he does not play dice with the universe.
(c) That the theory of relativity is correct.
(d) That he is doing a good job as a public speaker.

14. What point can Intelligent Design proponents and Pastafarians agree upon?
(a) Pirates are God's chosen people.
(b) There is a God.
(c) Pasta is delicious.
(d) Alternate theories should be taught in schools.

15. What type of flour is the Flying Spaghetti Monster made of?
(a) Rice.
(b) No one knows.
(c) Buckwheat.
(d) Semolina.

Short Answer Questions

1. What effect does grog NOT have on its consumers?

2. What is scrapple made of?

3. Henderson says his fund raising is not as unethical as that of what group?

4. Who does Henderson say is known as "The Original Renaissance Man?"

5. What is wrong with the beer in Pastafarian hell?

(see the answer keys)

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