The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bobby Henderson (FSM)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Bobby Henderson (FSM)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the term scientists use to explain human' ability to "mimic the forces of nature?"
(a) Natural selection.
(b) Conscious selection.
(c) Artificial selection.
(d) Subconscious selection.

2. What does Henderson say are the two forms of selection?
(a) Natural selection and sexual selection.
(b) Conscious selection and sexual selection.
(c) Subconscious selection and natural selection.
(d) Natural selection and conscious selection.

3. According to Henderson, man is created in whose image?
(a) Midgets.
(b) Catholics.
(c) Jains.
(d) Pirates.

4. How long has it been since the Flying Spaghetti Monster created the Earth?
(a) 5,000 years.
(b) 6,000,000,000 years.
(c) 6,000 years.
(d) 1,000,000 years.

5. What is the Flying Spaghetti Monsterist's "chosen garb?"
(a) Footie pajamas.
(b) Tutus.
(c) Full pirate regalia.
(d) Banana costumes.

6. According to the Flying Spaghetti Monster theory of gravity, why are people getting taller?
(a) The population is increasing.
(b) The Flying Spaghetti Monster is getting bored.
(c) People have learned to make healthier pasta.
(d) The Flying Spaghetti Monster has been sleeping.

7. What religious group waged war against the Pirates?
(a) The Jains.
(b) The Christians.
(c) The midgets.
(d) The Hari Krishnas.

8. What does Henderson say is the purpose of chihuahuas and poodles?
(a) To make man feel better about himself.
(b) To provide amusement for the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
(c) To make children feel taller.
(d) To make men feel inferior.

9. In "An Alternative Viewpoint," which manufacturer is NOT included in Longshanks' list of television makers?
(a) Vizio.
(b) Sharp.
(c) Toshiba.
(d) Sony.

10. What is a word that Henderson says refers to the Flying Spaghetti Monster's mischeviousness?
(a) A consPiracy.
(b) A plot.
(c) A plan.
(d) A scheme.

11. What do Snodgrass and Jaffari speculate is the reason the Flying Spaghetti Monster does not eradicate poverty, cancer, global warming, etc.?
(a) He is trying to teach mankind a lesson.
(b) He is trying to make mankind turn back to His Noodly Goodness.
(c) He is trying to rekindle the low-carb diet craze.
(d) He is sleeping.

12. Henderson notes that college students tend to consume large amounts of what beverage?
(a) Beer.
(b) Water.
(c) Kool-Aid.
(d) Soda.

13. What does Henderson speculate is the reason college students drink so much?
(a) They are trying to stay hydrated.
(b) They are drinking to the glory of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
(c) The Flying Spaghetti Monster is trying to turn them back into Pirates.
(d) It makes going to class more fun.

14. What animal causes Henderson to question the process of natural selection?
(a) The horny toad.
(b) The hippopotamus.
(c) The duck-billed platypus.
(d) The Indonesian mudskipper.

15. According to Henderson, what is the Buddhists' sacred text?
(a) The Ramayana.
(b) The Holy Book of Buddhas.
(c) The Bananapada.
(d) Rub Buddha's Belly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Henderson say is creator of the theory of Intelligent Design?

2. Henderson says that the universe's matrix of springs is vibrating to what sound?

3. What does Henderson say caused the extinction of the dodo bird?

4. What style of music does the Flying Spaghetti Monster dislike?

5. What does Henderson NOT use to prove the inferiority of empirical science?

(see the answer keys)

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