Thinking, Fast and Slow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Daniel Kahneman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Thinking, Fast and Slow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Daniel Kahneman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With whom did Daniel Kahneman conduct a study on pupil dilation at the University of Michigan?
(a) Larry Jacoby.
(b) Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
(c) Nassim Taleb.
(d) Jackson Beatty.

2. What is the title of the first joint article written by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky?
(a) "Belief in the Law of Small Numbers."
(b) "The Perception of Causality."
(c) "Introduction to the Mind and Morals."
(d) "Probability and Theory."

3. In the conclusion of the study of availability bias conducted by Paul Slovic, Sarah Lichtenstein, and Baruch Fischoff, they deduced that estimates of causes of death are warped by what?
(a) Direct knowledge.
(b) Family history of illness.
(c) The economy.
(d) Media coverage.

4. Who wrote the book Sources of Power?
(a) Gary Klein.
(b) Max Bazerman.
(c) Christopher Hsee.
(d) John List.

5. Cognitive strain is defined by the author as being affected by both the current level of effort and what?
(a) Levels of intelligence.
(b) The probability of future expectations.
(c) The presence of unmet demands.
(d) Cognitive Pupillometry.

6. What did the fictional Linda major in?
(a) Biology.
(b) Philosophy.
(c) History.
(d) Economics.

7. What illusion does the author demonstrate by presenting lines that appear to be different sizes but are in fact the same?
(a) The Executive Control illusion.
(b) The Anchoring illusion.
(c) The illusion of Narrative Fallacy.
(d) The Muller-Lyer illusion.

8. In the aphorisms presented by the author in Chapter 5, what aphorisms were judged to be more insightful to study participants?
(a) The ones that rhyme.
(b) The ones that use large words.
(c) The ones that are memorable.
(d) The ones that do not rhyme.

9. The author compares the conscious mind with what in Chapter 5?
(a) A cemetery.
(b) A cockpit.
(c) A ship's mast.
(d) A ship's hull.

10. The author describes a phenomenon discovered by Roy Baumeister's team wherein an effort of will is tiring, and if you have to force yourself to do something, you are less able to exert self-control when the next challenge appears. What is this phenomenon named?
(a) The Moses Illusion.
(b) Ego depletion.
(c) An anchoring effect.
(d) Cognitive Pupillometry.

11. What is described as the currency consumed by the nervous system above all others, and which serves as a currency for effortful mental activity?
(a) Glucose.
(b) Vitamin B.
(c) Estrogen.
(d) Testosterone.

12. What color are the cabs in the statistics problem presented by the author to examine statistical base rates and causal base rates?
(a) Red and green.
(b) Blue and White.
(c) Yellow and green.
(d) Green and blue.

13. In the presentation of the "character" of Tom W. in Chapter 14, what is the subject of the experiment asked to rate?
(a) At what age Tom gets married.
(b) What Tom's major is in college.
(c) How old Tom is.
(d) What job Tom has.

14. In the statistics presented by the author in the opening of Chapter 10, he states that instances of what disease are less prevalent in rural, sparsely populated counties largely in the Midwest, South, and the West?
(a) AIDS.
(b) Uterine cancer.
(c) Tuberculosis.
(d) Kidney cancer.

15. What does the author suggest when quoting sources in persuasive writing?
(a) Using sources that are from other countries.
(b) Using sources that are celebrities.
(c) Using names that are easy to pronounce.
(d) Using sources that can easily be verified.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who created a study article called "Becoming Famous Overnight"?

2. In the first description of the fictional Linda, Kahneman and Tversky said that she was how old?

3. What region of the brain is substantially more developed in humans than other primates and is involved in operations associated with intelligence?

4. What are the subjects in the gorilla study instructed to count in the short film?

5. The author gives an example in Chapter 10 wherein a large urn is filled with equal numbers of red and white marbles. A person takes four marbles from the urn, counts them, and returns them. The author asserts that the outcome of "two red and two white" marbles is how many times higher than the outcome of four red, or four white marbles?

(see the answer keys)

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