The Shallows Test | Final Test - Medium

Nicholas Carr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Shallows Test | Final Test - Medium

Nicholas Carr
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 153 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Carr in Chapter Seven, which of the following forms the major bottleneck in our brains?
(a) The encoding of new words we have learned.
(b) The processing of visual information, especially bright colors.
(c) The process of learning new musical sounds.
(d) The passage from working memory to long-term memory.

2. What are the tiny jumps people's eye movements make as they read, as discovered by Louis Emilie Javal in 1879?
(a) Croquets.
(b) Scavulas.
(c) Saccades.
(d) Malinas.

3. What is one of the newest branches of the New York Public Library, according to Carr in Chapter Five?
(a) The Bronx Library Center.
(b) The Bryant Park Library Center.
(c) The Queens Library Center.
(d) The Fifth Street Library Center.

4. Which researcher carried out the first studies that showed people's brains changing in response to Internet use?
(a) Gary Small.
(b) Nicole Speer.
(c) Gayle Peterson.
(d) Michael Mezenich.

5. In Chapter Six, what does Carr say that multitasking on a computer has made it commonplace for users to do?
(a) Have several e-books open at the same time to read.
(b) Have several windows and applications open at the same time.
(c) Have a landline phone and social media conversation happening at the same time as one writes a blog.
(d) Have several social media platform conversations happening at the same time while also talking on the phone.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Carr in Chapter Eight, how could the authority of any Web page be gauged in the early days of Google's first search engine?

2. Which inventor and futurist wrote a 1996 essay on the legacy of 2001: A Space Odyssey?

3. In Chapter Five, which newspaper does Carr cite as ceasing its print edition in 2009?

4. Who is the managing director of Guardian News and Media that Carr mentions in Chapter Five?

5. What did Samuel Johnson do on the night of April 18, 1775, when he visited the library at Cambridge's grand villa?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter Six, what does Carr cite French poet and politician Alphonse de Lamartine as saying would be the death of books in 1831?

2. In Chapter Six, what does Carr report might happen in the future with the incorporation of social media into e-Books?

3. According to Carr, how has the Internet affected the business models of other forms of media?

4. What did Patrician Greenfield's 2009 Science article describe in terms of the skills people acquire from Internet use?

5. What kinds of problems did Google's effort to digitize all the books ever printed run into?

6. What did Google's Eric Schmidt tell the Wall Street Journal is Google's main goal, and how long does he expect it to take to achieve that goal?

7. What factors does the UCLA psychologist Patricia Greenfield attribute the Flynn effect to?

8. In Chapter Eight, how did Frederick Winslow Taylor's methods increase productivity in the Midvale Steel Plant in Philadelphia in the late 1800s?

9. In Chapter Six, what was the experience of Christine Rosen, the fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., when she read an e-copy of Nicholas Nickleby?

10. In Chapter Five, how does Carr point out that the architecture of the Bronx Library Center has changed to reflect the supremacy of the Internet?

(see the answer keys)

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