Science and the Enlightenment Test | Final Test - Medium

Thomas L. Hankins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Science and the Enlightenment Test | Final Test - Medium

Thomas L. Hankins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 5, who wrote, "We may conclude that the organs of the body have not always existed, but have been formed successively - no matter how this formation has been brought about"?
(a) Spallanzani.
(b) Wolff.
(c) Leibniz.
(d) Haller.

2. Robert Whytt and Charles Aston studied the properties of ________ and ________ according, to the narrator in Chapter 4.
(a) Lemonlime / electrical heat.
(b) Quicklime / limewater.
(c) Boiling water / freezing water.
(d) Magnesium citrate / quicklime.

3. When experimentalists studied electricity, the ________ and the ________ were candidates for study because they both appeared to protect themselves electrically.
(a) Great white shark / dolphin.
(b) Leafy seadragon / Hagfish.
(c) Electric eel / sensitive plant.
(d) Komodo dragon / sloth.

4. The narrator in Chapter 6 explains that ________ is a function of the tension or lassitude of the "fibers" that compose the body.
(a) Temperment.
(b) Humility.
(c) Stress.
(d) Depression.

5. Chapter 6 explains that ________ created the first stirrings of Romanticism.
(a) Rousseau.
(b) Darwin.
(c) Newton.
(d) Bayle.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 5, ________ and ________ found freshwater worms regenerated in the same fashion, and since worms were definitely animals, previous doubts about the animality of the polyp lost their force.

2. The narrator explains that the most important elements for the Chemical Revolution were ________ and ________.

3. Who saw his physiology as an animata anatome, an experimental science that investigated and explained the special properties and functions of living matter without going beyond the information obtained from the senses?

4. The beginning of Chapter 6 states that the following were traditional judicial bodies that claimed the right to approve taxes except for which one?

5. The first mortality tables from which life insurance premiums could be calculated were constructed just at the end of the ________ century.

Short Essay Questions

1. What were the four fragments of knowledge that probably contributed to Lavoisier's inspiration to research combustion?

2. Discuss Regnier de Graaf's experiments on digestive fluids.

3. Briefly explain Joseph Black as described in Chapter 4.

4. Explain the importance of electricity producing muscle contractions.

5. What did Descartes conclude about mechanical philosophy and the study of life?

6. Explain why the Chemical Revolution was more the creation of a new science than a change in an existing one.

7. Explain the common property air and fire both shared.

8. Briefly explain John Mayow's experiment with a vacuum pump as described in chapter 4.

9. Discuss the three social classes in France as described in Chapter 6.

10. What were a couple ways to promote the science of man according to Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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