Identity, Youth, and Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Identity, Youth, and Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What elements does Erikson suggest can be caused by the demand to develop a distinct identity?
(a) Split identities.
(b) Ego strength.
(c) Confusion.
(d) Anxiety.

2. What does Erikson wish youth would search for?
(a) Common ground with society.
(b) Self.
(c) Truth based on society.
(d) Something not sanctioned by society.

3. What to processes, according to Erikson as discussed in Chapter 5, are tied together?
(a) Ego and social.
(b) Ego and environmental.
(c) Ego and self identification.
(d) Social and environmental.

4. The oppression of blacks, according to Erikson has done what to the mother-father presence?
(a) Nothing significant.
(b) Created identity confusion.
(c) Created an imbalance.
(d) Created identity diffusion.

5. What does Erikson say must not happen with strong black mothers?
(a) They must not be negatively stereotyped.
(b) They must not be so overbearing.
(c) They must not be positively stereotyped.
(d) They must continue their struggles.

6. What aspect of life does Erikson suggest women suffer over excessively?
(a) Having a family.
(b) Getting a better job.
(c) Finding identity.
(d) Helping other.

7. How does man quantify attributes of himself philosophically and psychologically in terms of Erikson's views of identity development?
(a) Uses the words I and self.
(b) Accepts imperfections.
(c) Understands the whole society.
(d) Uses the words Us and We.

8. Considering Erikson's theory of group identity development, what are cultures often led to do concerning their values?
(a) Absolutize them.
(b) Confirm them.
(c) Give them up.
(d) Modify them.

9. What do youth try to balance while going through Erikson's stages of identity development?
(a) Diversity and society.
(b) Diversity and identity.
(c) Fidelity and diversity.
(d) Fidelity and identity.

10. What do the elements of the self produce in light of Erikson's theory of identity development?
(a) A composite of self.
(b) A composite of society.
(c) A potential identity.
(d) An understanding.

11. Throughout the stages of Erikson's theory of identity development, what happens if youth do not take advantage of the wisdom elders have to share?
(a) They may become isolated.
(b) Nothing.
(c) They can not form their identities.
(d) They form distinct identities.

12. What are women able to process better than men, according to Erikson?
(a) Verbal material.
(b) Scientific material.
(c) Logic.
(d) Discrimination.

13. What might the older generation, as suggested by Erikson, use youth's need for joining to satisfy?
(a) Need for independence.
(b) Need to rebel.
(c) Need for conformity.
(d) Need for fidelity.

14. What does Erikson state that the self-concept of self esteem is tied to?
(a) Environment.
(b) Identity.
(c) Biology.
(d) Parents.

15. Based on Erikson's studies, what directly influences the egos process of self integration?
(a) Family.
(b) Historical reality and context.
(c) Self.
(d) Society.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Erikson's theory of identity consciousness overcome?

2. According to Erikson's theory, what is psychologically different between males and females?

3. What does Erikson suggest occurs in institutionalized settings such as a hospital with regard to identity?

4. What according to Erikson, what involves testing, selecting, and integrating self images?

5. What does Erikson feel the biological process of psychoanalysis has become?

(see the answer keys)

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