Peace Is Every Step Test | Final Test - Medium

Nhat Hanh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Peace Is Every Step Test | Final Test - Medium

Nhat Hanh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do large family units provide?
(a) Acceptance of the elderly.
(b) Childcare while parents work.
(c) Safety for children of suffering parents.
(d) Less stressful environment for working parents.

2. What three concepts can be included in family life that will promote inner peace?
(a) Meditation sessions, meditation rooms, and mindful dinners.
(b) Music room, reading room, and conscious breathing.
(c) Reading rooms, family altar, and mindful dinners.
(d) Breathing room, media room, and mindful dinners.

3. What are most individuals unwilling to do about an issue?
(a) Forget their unpleasant feelings.
(b) Admit their role in the issue.
(c) Change the situation to solve the problem.
(d) Not blame others for the problem.

4. At the beginning of Chapter 51, Hanh introduces the word interbeing. What is the meaning of this word?
(a) All things exist in harmony.
(b) All things are sources of energy.
(c) All things are sacred.
(d) All things are connected.

5. What becomes of a beautiful cut rose after it dies?
(a) It is forgotten.
(b) It is revived when placed in sunlight.
(c) It is remembered for its fragrance.
(d) It becomes garbage.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hanh view as the best investment one can make?

2. What do positive seeds produce?

3. What should mindful living not do?

4. According to Hanh, what would improve the power of hugging?

5. What can be transformed into healthy energy by recognizing that it is part of oneself?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Hanh, how should an individual treat parents concerning their mistakes?

2. What theme is expressed in "Look into Your Hand"? Following the theme's message, why should one never feel lonely?

3. What lesson does Hanh teach the reader in "Mindfulness Must be Engaged"?

4. What is the Buddhist concept of "interbeing?" Hanh gives an example of interbeing by stating that poverty cannot exist without wealth. Give at least two other similar examples.

5. Hanh resurrects the concept of interbeing in "Healing the Wounds of War". What role does interbeing play in a veteran's life? Why?

6. In "The Sun is My Heart", Hanh intertwines interbeing with the universe. Explain the title's metaphor.

7. How is Hanh's Buddhist faith reintroduced in "Internal Formations"? What is a common analogy to this teaching?

8. In "The River of Feelings", what three types of feelings are discussed? Should one feeling be approached differently than another? Why or why not?

9. What does Hanh suggest one might try to do with negative emotions? How can one accomplish this?

10. What effect does conscious breathing have on a hug? Why?

(see the answer keys)

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