Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle Test | Final Test - Easy

John Rolfe (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle Test | Final Test - Easy

John Rolfe (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the associates' creative time?
(a) A chance to creare
(b) A time to draw pictures.
(c) Time to their develop pitches.
(d) Pitch books developed and comps were updated.

2. What do potential investors fail to do while looking for new investments?
(a) Find companies themselves.
(b) Read beyond the second section of the prospectus.
(c) Trust the investment banker in charge of their case.
(d) Research the company themselves.

3. How do Troob and Rolfe feel about leaving DLJ?
(a) Sad they do not have as much money.
(b) Unwilling.
(c) Confused about their decisions.
(d) Overjoyed.

4. What happened when most of the senior execs left for the night at the end of a long work day?
(a) The real work began.
(b) Everyone went to dinner.
(c) Associates and analysts decided to go home.
(d) The associates had a party.

5. Besides food, what was mostly consumed at the party?
(a) Cigarettes.
(b) Alcohol.
(c) Chocolates.
(d) Food.

6. How many sections were in a prospectus?
(a) Three sections.
(b) Twenty sections.
(c) Ten sections.
(d) Thirteen sections.

7. What does the associate do with their down time while waiting on the prospectus?
(a) Twiddles his thumbs.
(b) Do their taxes.
(c) Eat, drink, and relax.
(d) Goes to sleep.

8. What are other outlandish gifts that an associate might give a copy center worker?
(a) Chocolates on Valentines Day.
(b) Dinner at their apartment.
(c) Lap dances at a strip club.
(d) Beer on St Patty's.

9. After both men left the company, how did they feel about themselves and their lives?
(a) Happy.
(b) Matured and satisfied with life.
(c) Ten years older, abused, and used.
(d) Rejected.

10. What occupies 40- 50% of the associates' time?
(a) Going to business lunches.
(b) Typing meeting notes.
(c) Creating pamphlets.
(d) Going back and forth with word processing.

11. When did Rolfe's disillusionment finally begin?
(a) He refused to meet new people and became antisocial.
(b) He lost his will to date.
(c) He realized no women wanted to be around him.
(d) He began masturbating at work. He had no personal time.

12. After word processing, who was next in line to receive the pitch book?
(a) The client.
(b) Copy center.
(c) The buyers.
(d) The managing directors.

13. How do accountants factor into the prospectus process?
(a) They were not used.
(b) They crunch numbers as the execs want them to.
(c) They were forced to lie.
(d) Associates prep them for client meetings.

14. Gradually, what did Troob feel guilty about?
(a) His inability to stand up for himself.
(b) His rowdy, unruly, behavior.
(c) Who is friends were.
(d) That he would leave Rolfe behind.

15. So long as he was in the banking business, what would Troob not have?
(a) No life with his new wife.
(b) The ability to experience New York.
(c) Opportunities for professional growth.
(d) A chance to look for a new job.

Short Answer Questions

1. What always takes priority over any other task (even over pitch books)?

2. What two party rooms were made available to the employees of DLJ?

3. What do the high bonuses say about DLJ?

4. How did associates learn that they should treat the copy center well?

5. What did group dinner sessions become?

(see the answer keys)

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