Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle Test | Final Test - Easy

John Rolfe (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle Test | Final Test - Easy

John Rolfe (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Monkey Business: Swinging Through the Wall Street Jungle Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. No ___________ is spared in printing the prospectus.
(a) Expense.
(b) Down time.
(c) Time.
(d) Inconvenience.

2. What did the associate who handles the final printing of the prospectus do?
(a) Ran around the office like a mad man.
(b) Gets feed back from the copy center.
(c) Reads it aloud to the client.
(d) Relaxed and bid his time until it was time to print it.

3. Instead of the copy center, where did the prospectus go to be finished?
(a) A special printing company in Long Island.
(b) The associates print it themselves.
(c) A company in Connecticut.
(d) An outsourced printer.

4. What happened when most of the senior execs left for the night at the end of a long work day?
(a) The real work began.
(b) Associates and analysts decided to go home.
(c) The associates had a party.
(d) Everyone went to dinner.

5. On business trips for DLJ, what was Rolfe forced to do?
(a) Present important information.
(b) Sit through hours and hours of meetings.
(c) Create presentations.
(d) Run errands.

6. What do the high bonuses say about DLJ?
(a) The company gave away any amount of money to keep employees.
(b) DLJ values people who do a good job.
(c) DLJ loves all of its employees.
(d) DLJ had a lot of business coming in.

7. What is the most important thing that associates must always attend?
(a) Investment meetings.
(b) Pitch book proposals.
(c) Lunches.
(d) Drafting sessions for the prospectus.

8. What place was tied to the success of Troob and Rolfe?
(a) The travel department.
(b) The editing center.
(c) The word processing room.
(d) The copy center.

9. How did the word processors perform their jobs?
(a) With little or not gusto.
(b) Slowly.
(c) With a lot of passion.
(d) Very quickly and efficiently.

10. Who gives the final command to print the prospectus?
(a) The client.
(b) The president of the company.
(c) The managing director.
(d) The associate.

11. Where are most European investment banks headquartered?
(a) Montreal.
(b) London and Paris.
(c) Madrid.
(d) Berlin.

12. What do Troob and Rolfe suggest that business school failed to teach the graduates?
(a) That they would be spending a lot of time in a copy center.
(b) How to work with other people.
(c) How to bribe people.
(d) How to compromise.

13. Gradually, what did Troob feel guilty about?
(a) Who is friends were.
(b) His rowdy, unruly, behavior.
(c) His inability to stand up for himself.
(d) That he would leave Rolfe behind.

14. Luckily for Rolfe's bosses, where were most of their revisions done?
(a) On a beach.
(b) At Starbucks.
(c) From home.
(d) At their children's activities.

15. What new job did Troob find?
(a) A non-profit gig.
(b) He never found a new job.
(c) A job with a hedge fund.
(d) Head of an insurance company.

Short Answer Questions

1. What always takes priority over any other task (even over pitch books)?

2. Why did Troob have to constantly cancel dates with his girlfriend?

3. What was the associates' creative time?

4. How do Troob and Rolfe feel about leaving DLJ?

5. What did Rolfe help an older banker to do?

(see the answer keys)

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