Identity, Youth, and Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Identity, Youth, and Crisis Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Erikson's theory of identity consciousness overcome?
(a) We are always conscious of our identity.
(b) Through self actualization.
(c) When a person gives up searching for identity.
(d) When a sense of identity is achieved.

2. Why does Erikson state that remorseful majorities be watched?
(a) They may lose their identity.
(b) They may not really be remorseful.
(c) They may become oppressed.
(d) They may repeat habitual patterns.

3. What are women able to process better than men, according to Erikson?
(a) Logic.
(b) Discrimination.
(c) Verbal material.
(d) Scientific material.

4. What does Erikson feel about psychoanalysts' use of biology?
(a) It is important to the study of identity.
(b) It has not place in the study of identity.
(c) It is innovative.
(d) Shallow and inaccurate.

5. What does Erikson state the ego is in that it knows and understands where it wants to go?
(a) Introspective.
(b) Intelligent.
(c) Forward looking.
(d) Whole.

6. What is the nature of psychoanalysis as viewed by Erikson?
(a) Observational.
(b) Empirical.
(c) Explicit.
(d) Implicit.

7. How does Erikson feel the majority of women react to feminists?
(a) Strongly.
(b) Revert to old ways.
(c) Weakly.
(d) With indifference.

8. What might the older generation, as suggested by Erikson, use youth's need for joining to satisfy?
(a) Need for conformity.
(b) Need for fidelity.
(c) Need to rebel.
(d) Need for independence.

9. What does Erikson risk in plotting a new course of understanding regarding identity and ego development?
(a) Finding the truth.
(b) Offending other scientists.
(c) Being one sided.
(d) There are no risks.

10. What type of feelings does Erikson proposed are experienced by those in oppressed groups?
(a) Inferiority and self-hate.
(b) Superiority and self-love.
(c) Indifference and loathing.
(d) Interest in other groups.

11. What does Erikson state that the self-concept of self esteem is tied to?
(a) Biology.
(b) Identity.
(c) Environment.
(d) Parents.

12. What do youth try to balance while going through Erikson's stages of identity development?
(a) Diversity and society.
(b) Fidelity and diversity.
(c) Diversity and identity.
(d) Fidelity and identity.

13. What dose Erikson say psychoanalysts' fail to recognize about the ego?
(a) It depends on the individual.
(b) It can exist without human social organization.
(c) It is based solely on environment.
(d) It cannot exist without human social organization.

14. What does Erikson suggest defines much of a woman's identity?
(a) Attractiveness to men.
(b) Who she marries.
(c) Intelligence.
(d) How many children she has.

15. What do environmental counterweights of identity help explain in terms of Freud's theory of identity?
(a) Inner world of the ego.
(b) Society.
(c) Outer world of the ego.
(d) Self.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Erikson think ideologies should be filled?

2. What does Erikson suggest is in the domain of the inter agency that produces a coherent existence?

3. Considering Erikson's theory of group identity development, what are cultures often led to do concerning their values?

4. Why does Erikson think the black identity has been confused?

5. How is identity diffusion manifested during the adolescent stages of Erikson's theory of identity development?

(see the answer keys)

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