Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Goleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Goleman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the author in Part Three: Chapter 10, “Managing with Heart,” the days of the bully manager are over in favor of building what in the workplace?
(a) Positive attitude.
(b) Consensus and harmony.
(c) Friendships and respect.
(d) Company pride.

2. The way men and women communicate comes from training in childhood and what, according to the author in Part Three: Chapter 9, “Intimate Enemies”?
(a) Mathematical development.
(b) School education.
(c) Verbal development.
(d) Intuition.

3. What does “PTSD” stand for?
(a) Present-time sociological disorder.
(b) Psychological teenage stress dysfunction.
(c) Post-traumatic stress disorder.
(d) Parental trauma suspension disorder.

4. Jerome Kagan found four temperamental types that have different patterns of brain activity. What is the first described in Part Four: Chapter 14, “Temperament Is Not Destiny”?
(a) Upbeat.
(b) Timid.
(c) Bold.
(d) Melancholy.

5. According to the author in Part Three: Chapter 10, “Managing with Heart,” one management consultant stated that “stress makes people” what?
(a) Take risks.
(b) Crazy.
(c) Stupid.
(d) Mean.

6. Though it was long believed that the thalamus sent signals to the neocortex that then went to the amygdala, research by what neuroscientist discovered a direct connection from the thalamus to the amygdala?
(a) Dolf Zillmann.
(b) Jerome Kagan.
(c) Joseph LeDoux.
(d) Ulf Dimberg.

7. Who are the psychologists who first published the concept of emotional intelligence in 1990?
(a) Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer.
(b) Judith Hall and Lizabeth Roemer.
(c) Robert Rosenthal and Judith Hall.
(d) Jerome Kagan and Robert Rosenthal.

8. Dr. David Spiegel is one of the most respected experts in the clinical uses of what?
(a) Psychotherapy.
(b) Hypnosis.
(c) Fear conditioning.
(d) Self-awareness.

9. Which of the seven key factors of a child’s readiness for learning defined by T. Berry Brazelton means engaging with others?
(a) Cooperativeness.
(b) Curiosity.
(c) Confidence.
(d) Relatedness.

10. According to an example in “Part Three: Chapter 9, “Intimate Enemies,” when boys play a sports game and one gets injured, the injured is expected to do what?
(a) Get the attention of the referee.
(b) Plead for a penalty.
(c) Get off the field.
(d) Call for his mother.

11. Dr. John Gottman worked with whom to identify the three most toxic parenting styles?
(a) Dolf Zillmann.
(b) Lizabeth Roemer.
(c) Walter Mischel.
(d) Carole Hooven.

12. Jerome Kagan found four temperamental types that have different patterns of brain activity. What is the second described in Part Four: Chapter 14, “Temperament Is Not Destiny”?
(a) Timid.
(b) Bold.
(c) Melancholy.
(d) Upbeat.

13. Where was author Daniel Goleman born?
(a) Tacoma, Washington.
(b) Twin Falls, Idaho.
(c) Stockton, California.
(d) Phoenix, Arizona.

14. According to the author in Part Five: Chapter 15, “The Cost of Emotional Illiteracy,” alcoholics tend to have a biological marker of under-producing what neurotransmitter that regulates anxiety?
(a) Glutamate.
(b) GABA.
(c) Norepinephrine.
(d) Dopamine.

15. Dr. Charles Nemeroff is best known for his work in treating what?
(a) Depression.
(b) Pyromania.
(c) Paraphilia.
(d) Ekbom syndrome.

Short Answer Questions

1. John Lochman is a psychologist at what university?

2. Dr. Judith Lewis Herman discovered three vital stages for retraining the brain of people suffering from PTSD. What is the first stage discussed in Part Four: Chapter 13, “Trauma and Emotional Relearning”?

3. Neuroscientists Thorsten Wiesel and David Hubel proved that the neurons unused in the brain will do what?

4. Leslie Brody and who summarize research on the emotional development of boys and girls in Part Three: Chapter 9, “Intimate Enemies”?

5. Author Daniel Goleman has been nominated for what prestigious award two times?

(see the answer keys)

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