The Story of Philosophy Test | Final Test - Easy

Will Durant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Story of Philosophy Test | Final Test - Easy

Will Durant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Russell visit Russia?
(a) to discuss politics
(b) to talk with the common people
(c) for his health
(d) for a first-hand view of a socialist society

2. What is needed by a strong man who seeks intensity and experience at the cost of tragic woe?
(a) optimism
(b) altruism
(c) assistance
(d) pessimism

3. What is the irony of Kant's quiet Prussian life relative to Voltaire's Parisian life?
(a) both of them live in exile
(b) both of them lack credibility in their day
(c) both of them get into trouble with their governments
(d) both of them become quite wealthy

4. What does Nietzsche claim causes fulfillment of woman and narrowing of man?
(a) education
(b) charitable deeds
(c) children
(d) marriage

5. In what work does Spencer freely express his best ideas with suggestive generalization and political philosophy?
(a) The Evolution of Mind
(b) The Evolution of Society
(c) The Evolution of Life
(d) The Evolution of Thought

6. What does Bertram Russell's Mysticism and Logic refute?
(a) mathematics for its rigid impersonality and objectivity
(b) epistemology
(c) the illogical nature of mysticism
(d) socialism as a cause of disease

7. What is the result of Spencer's considering philosophy a generalization of all science?
(a) a definable reality
(b) a positivist movement
(c) a scientific method
(d) a rationalization

8. What is a critical analysis of knowledge that is independent of all sense experience?
(a) Kant's Letters to Philosophers
(b) Kant's The Critique of Pure Reason
(c) Kant's Whole History of Thought
(d) Kant's The Return to Common Sense

9. What does Kant say divides man into sects that does not join them together?
(a) language and custom
(b) authority and legalism
(c) fear and suspicion
(d) creed and ritual

10. What does Spencer define as the subjective accompaniment of mechanically evolved nerve processes?
(a) mind
(b) education
(c) biology
(d) heart

11. What does Schopenhauer say is the first law of sexual attraction?
(a) availability
(b) monetary security
(c) fitness to procreate
(d) physical beauty

12. What does the publisher of Schopenhauer's book eventually tell him?
(a) the book is too dry to sell
(b) they printed only the few copies they gave him
(c) most of the edition is sold as waste paper
(d) the law refused the distribution of the book

13. To what does Schopenhauer agree a priori?
(a) the individual believes he is controlled
(b) the will is developed through experience
(c) the individual believes his will is free
(d) the will is easily controlled

14. What does Schopenhauer see as the cause of strife and misery?
(a) wars
(b) religion
(c) the will
(d) ideas

15. Who suggests that whenever philosophy grows in a country its moral health decays?
(a) Kant
(b) Berkeley
(c) Voltaire
(d) Rousseau

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Spencer say that Religion is central?

2. What has a materialistic bias from mathematics and mechanics through the developing sciences?

3. What does Nietzsche do that gets him discharged from the military?

4. What does Spencer comment on long before Darwin's theory of natural selection becomes popular by the end of the 1800s?

5. How does Schopenhauer develop his blunt manner, realistic mind, and knowledge of the world and of men?

(see the answer keys)

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