Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Plutarch's Lives, Volume 2 Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 195 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Demosthenes, Cicero and The Comparison of Demosthenes and Cicero.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Plutarch claim Aristotle provided that he considered, "...a perfect portable treasure of all military virtue and knowledge...."?
(a) Aristotle's writings regarding the proper training and preparation of soldiers.
(b) Aristotle's collection of military histories.
(c) Aristotle's personally corrected copy of Homer's Illiads.
(d) Aristotle's maps of important sites in Persia.

2. What was the most notable sign that Plutarch suggests that proves Caesar had begun to win popular support to challenge Sylla?
(a) When he praised an enemy of Sylla's, named Marius, during the eulogy of Marius' wife.
(b) When he took possession of a field owned by Sylla.
(c) When he allied himself with Sylla's enemies in the Senate.
(d) When he challenged Sylla's hold on power directly in the Senate.

3. Who did wealthy land owners influence from the Senate to oppose Tiberius' efforts at land reform, according to Plutarch?
(a) Marcus Octavius, who was considered to be a friend of Tiberius.
(b) Caius Mancinus, who was a consul of bad reputation.
(c) Octavius Caesar, who was son of Caesar.
(d) Marcus Brutus, who opposed Caesars attempts to spread the wealth from captured cities.

4. What did Plutarch report of Phocion's temperament?
(a) "For assuredly there is difference enough among virtues of the same denomination as between the bravery of Alcibiades and that of Eapmindondas,..."
(b) "He that remonstrates with them (public bodies) on their errors is presumed to be insulting over their misfortunes...."
(c) "...That public bodies are most insulting and contumelious to a good man,...."
(d) "...that scarcely was he ever seen by any Athenian either laughing, or in tears."

5. Who did Plutarch claim Agis had imprisoned and hanged?
(a) Leonidas.
(b) Agesilaus.
(c) Lysander.
(d) Leotychides.

Short Answer Questions

1. What question, according to Plutarch, did Cato ask his guardian, Sarpedon, as he watched executions that were ordered by the Roman political leader?

2. What was Caesar's first step, according to Plutarch, when he was informed of Sylla's power being in decline?

3. Who does Plutarch report took in Cato and his siblings after they were orphaned, and for what was this person known?

4. What did Plutarch claim to be the differences in motivation between Demosthenes and Cicero?

5. How did Plutarch compare the deaths of "The Roman Brothers" to "The Spartans"?

(see the answer key)

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