The Way of the Shaman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Harner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Way of the Shaman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Harner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the Jivaro shaman Harner works with?
(a) Machu.
(b) Akachu.
(c) Pikachu.
(d) Arechu.

2. The author states that the humility in shamanism lies in what?
(a) The reverence shamans feel towards nature.
(b) The manner in which shamans speak to new and old souls.
(c) The shaman-patient relationship.
(d) The number of spirit guides who choose a particular shaman.

3. What are guardian spirits known as in Australia?
(a) Spirit of assistance.
(b) Angelic assistant.
(c) Assistant totem.
(d) Totem angel.

4. Why does a shaman enter a shamanic state of consciousness?
(a) For clarity and balance.
(b) To practice astral travel.
(c) For a serious, specific purpose.
(d) To prove to the elders that he or she is a shaman.

5. To learn more about shamanism, what does Harner do?
(a) Asks the oldest shaman in the world to mentor him.
(b) Lives among tribal people to learn their shamanic ways.
(c) Assembles a team of seven shamans from every corner of the world.
(d) Enrolls in a class on shamanism at his community college.

6. Harner asks aspiring shamans to refrain from:
(a) Eating sweets.
(b) Using anything electronic.
(c) Drinking alcohol.
(d) Exercising strenuously.

7. Harner asserts that shamanism has advanced in areas without technological innovations because:
(a) Of the need by these people to find ways to deal with survival and health issues.
(b) Technology hasn't erased these people's ability to tap into their intuition.
(c) These people are neither distracted nor electromagnetically impaired by electronic interference.
(d) The plant world communicates better with people when there is no technological interference.

8. One person who tried Harner's step-by-step guided journey exercise reported bringing back what by accident?
(a) A monkey spirit guide.
(b) A beneficial being.
(c) A healing code.
(d) A message for a friend.

9. What does the Jivaro shaman help Harner acquire?
(a) Advanced intuition.
(b) The ability to see beyond.
(c) Spirit helpers.
(d) Tree guides.

10. A shaman might enter a shamanic state of consciousness to bring back messages for whom?
(a) A patient in ordinary reality.
(b) A patient's loved ones.
(c) Non-traditional doctors in ordinary reality.
(d) Doctors treating a patient.

11. How do spirit helpers assist the shaman?
(a) By keeping the shaman's third eye open at all times to see alternate realities.
(b) By helping the shaman engage in divination of the past, present, and future.
(c) By whispering truths into the shaman's otherworldly ears.
(d) By spying on others and reporting back to the shaman.

12. Why does Harner include the examples of the Lakota Sioux and Coast Salish tribes for Westerners in particular?
(a) So that they can see that shamanism can be accessed without the use of drugs.
(b) To illustrate the universal nature of shamanism.
(c) To give them examples of shamanism that might be more familiar to them.
(d) Because more than anyone else, Westerners need to understand the nuances of shamanism.

13. What similarity does Harner point out between shamanism and science?
(a) Both are available to the serious student of reality.
(b) Both require a curious mind, an open heart, and a sense of adventure.
(c) Both are in awe of complexity and the magnificence of nature.
(d) Both require much training and discipline.

14. It is typical for one or more spirits to help guide the shaman through what?
(a) A time-honored ritual.
(b) The ninth dimension.
(c) A hidden or non-ordinary reality.
(d) A series of questions only the shaman hears.

15. Harner writes that in non-ordinary reality, spirit helpers appear as what?
(a) Religious deities.
(b) People once known who have passed on.
(c) Familiar plants and flowers.
(d) Animals, including jaguars, monkeys, and butterflies.

Short Answer Questions

1. After a journey that lasts several days in the jungle with his companions, Harner is taken where?

2. How might a shaman be distinguished from other medicine men?

3. Who does the author quote as an expert on the subject of altered states?

4. Why is Harner afraid to take maikua?

5. Among other sensations in his experience with the Conibo, Harner experiences a sense of flying inside what?

(see the answer keys)

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