The Story of Philosophy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Will Durant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Story of Philosophy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Will Durant
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Spinoza say the language of the Bible is?
(a) mystical
(b) metaphorical
(c) magnatudinal
(d) metaphysical

2. Who suggests that men are at fault because they chose to live in houses in cities?
(a) Frederick
(b) Bacon
(c) Voltaire
(d) Rousseau

3. What does Spinoza call the highest knowledge of universal unity?
(a) the lessons from philosophers of the past
(b) the intellectual equivalent of the love of God
(c) the educated answers to philosophical questions
(d) understanding the influence of the stars

4. At first, what medium does Voltaire use to give humorous expression to his ideas?
(a) short novels
(b) short plays
(c) essays
(d) anonymous letters

5. Although science and philosophy exists in Greece before their times, who were the teachers who greatly advanced the fields?
(a) Aristotle and Socrates
(b) Socrates and Plato
(c) Aristotle and Onassis
(d) Playto and Prothagorus

6. What biological notion does Aristotle reject?
(a) vegetarianism
(b) evolution of species
(c) survival of the fittest
(d) extinction of species

7. What is a special element of soul in the human being according to Aristotle?
(a) a power to dream
(b) a power of understanding metaphysics
(c) a power of reason and thought
(d) a power to dominate

8. What is something Voltaire is noted for with his critics?
(a) ignoring his enemies
(b) destroying enemies with a pen
(c) challenging his enemies to duels
(d) suing his enemies in court

9. Where do metaphysics and the nature of God fit into Aristotle's curriculum?
(a) his theology
(b) his rhetoric
(c) his mathematics
(d) his biology

10. What does Aristotle establish in Athens?
(a) a system of exchange
(b) a scientific museum
(c) a political party
(d) a school of oratory

11. What does Plato say is a science and art one must live and prepare for?
(a) teaching the young
(b) military leadership
(c) oratory
(d) statesmanship

12. By the thirteenth century A. D., how does the Church unite the European continent?
(a) by common faith and supernatural sanctions
(b) by persecution of heresy
(c) by common language and desires
(d) by millitancy and fear

13. How does Spinoza explain references to God's halting the natural function of nature on several occasions in the Bible?
(a) God and the processes of nature are one
(b) the meaning is not clear in the scripture
(c) things like that spring from traditions
(d) those are allegories of God's power

14. What motivates Voltaire to accept Prince Frederick's invitation and travel expenses to join him in his court in Potsdam?
(a) an opportunity to learn German
(b) his curiosity about German philosophy
(c) a warrant for his arrest in Paris
(d) his sorrow after the death of his mistress

15. What does Socrates ask Cephalus to define?
(a) the blessing he receives from education
(b) the best form of government
(c) the meaning of the word moral
(d) the greatest blessing he receives from wealth

Short Answer Questions

1. Reducing everything through the Socratic Method, what do Socrates and Cephalus agree to discuss?

2. How old is Francis Bacon when he resolves to turn philosophy from scholastic arguments to illumination and increase of human good?

3. What do Voltaire's letter criticizing France formulate in the French people?

4. What happened after Spinoza dispensed with faith?

5. What does Voltaire do when he is sentenced to the Bastille a second time?

(see the answer keys)

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