Ways of Seeing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ways of Seeing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has happened to the meaning of the images on pages 40 and 41?
(a) The meaning of the original image is combined with a pair of two other images.
(b) The meaning of the original image is lost when combined intentionally with text and other contrasting images.
(c) The meaning of each image is enhanced from being surrounded by photographs of similar images.
(d) The meaning of the original image is lost as well as the meaning of the images as a whole.

2. Which statement best describes the Cubist style?
(a) It leads the spectator to the center of the artwork.
(b) It creates a perfect singular persective for the viewer,
(c) It presents the visible from many eyes.
(d) It demonstrates the capabilities of modern technology.

3. Where is the spectator located when a work of art uses the single eye perspective?
(a) At the center, but could be at many places in a single time.
(b) At the center, in one place at one time.
(c) The spectator is never considered.
(d) At an infitite number of times and locations.

4. In general, what are words used to do?
(a) Avoid danger.
(b) Learn new things.
(c) Explain the environment.
(d) See the environment.

5. Where is the figure in "Bathsheba" sitting?
(a) She is sitting at her bedside.
(b) She is sitting to write a letter.
(c) The woman is sitting to have her feet washed.
(d) She is sitting at the dinner table.

6. In Chapter 2, what are the authors trying to demonstrate with the images on pages 40 and 41?
(a) That mixing images of men and women defines the unique qualities of each.
(b) That mixing images of formal portraits and self-portraits defines the unique qualities of each.
(c) That the combination of photographs and paintings creates a contrast similar to realism and abstract painting.
(d) That the combination of text and image can create a very powerful and intentional meaning.

7. What is similar about all of the women in the images on pages 36 and 37?
(a) They are all ignoring the camera and viewer.
(b) They are all cleaning.
(c) They are all the focus of men in the images.
(d) They are all celebrities.

8. According to Berger et al., what social presence does a man command?
(a) A man's social presence is based on his income.
(b) A man's power is relative to his size, bearing, and appearance.
(c) Men have a social presence relative to their ability to see themselves as a sight.
(d) A man's power is relative to how he feels about himself.

9. What does the author use "The Key of Dreams" as an example of?
(a) The gap between words and image.
(b) The use of poetry in image.
(c) The use of words with image.
(d) The use of bad titles.

10. Who is meant to be the ideal viewer of pages 42 and 43?
(a) Female consumers.
(b) Contemporary artists.
(c) Art historians.
(d) Businessmen.

11. What are images a record of?
(a) The history of the subject.
(b) The way a sight was once seen.
(c) The memories of the image-creator.
(d) The object in present-day.

12. What could be stated as the theme of pages 40 and 41?
(a) The warmth and comfort associated with everyday events and occurrences.
(b) The enhanced wealth and power of political figures.
(c) The heightened sensual and provocative essence of a woman.
(d) The loss of meaning in a world of black and white photography.

13. After reproductions are made, an original work of art is unique only in its what?
(a) Interpretation.
(b) Rarity.
(c) Composition.
(d) Meaning.

14. Which of the following is an example of how creating a reproduction can change the meaning of a painting?
(a) An art student attempts to make a reproduction of Da Vinci's "Virgin of the Rocks".
(b) A publisher of an art history book decides to reproduce images to accompany the text.
(c) A photographer takes a picture of Da Vinci's the "Virgin of the Rocks" in the National Gallery.
(d) The face of one figure in a group can be isolated in reproduction to become a portrait.

15. What number is posted symbolically on pages 36 and 37 of Chapter 2?
(a) Five.
(b) Twenty-one.
(c) Forty.
(d) Eleven.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is similar about the images on pages 42 and 43?

2. Why does the author discuss the work of Frans Hals?

3. What is prominent in Ruben's painting?

4. Which statement is NOT true about viewing an image made in the past?

5. To what area is the single eye of perspective unique?

(see the answer keys)

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