The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Rothstein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America Test | Final Test - Medium

Richard Rothstein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 167 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the Federal Poverty Limit for a family of three, in 2017 when Rothstein published The Color of Law?
(a) $28,000.
(b) $21,000.
(c) $42,000.
(d) $17,000.

2. How many African Americans moved north in the Second Great Migration?
(a) 4 million.
(b) 1 million.
(c) 19 million.
(d) 118 million.

3. What excuses does Rothstein say federal officials used to hide the racist consequences of housing policy?
(a) They were just making economic decisions.
(b) People were going to live with their own kind.
(c) They were doing what they were elected to do.
(d) People do not like change.

4. How does Rothstein characterize the relationship between the wealth of parents and the wealth of their children?
(a) Linear.
(b) Unrelated.
(c) Consistent.
(d) Inverted proportion.

5. How were black families kept in the employment they were forced to take after reconstruction?
(a) They were misled.
(b) They were deceived.
(c) They were threatened with murder.
(d) They were bound in chains of debt.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Rothstein say the American government will have to address along with housing discrimination?

2. What does Rothstein say police knew of, and ignored, in the rioters at Bill Myers’ house?

3. What does Rothstein say was used after the 1954 Brown decision to fix the problems created by segregated housing?

4. How long does Rothstein say the riot went on at Wilbur Gary’s house?

5. What flag did the mob fly outside of Bill Myers’ house, while the cops stood by doing nothing?

Short Essay Questions

1. What steps does Rothstein say the real estate industry could take to remedy years of structural injustice?

2. How does Rothstein characterize the obstacles faced by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) in desegregating Richmond, CA?

3. What steps were taken to keep Wilbur Gary from moving into his house in the Rollingwood development in Richmond, CA?

4. How were African Americans denied the right to collectively bargain for better wages?

5. What is Rothstein’s first suggestion for reforming our country to address systemic racism?

6. What does Rothstein say was the IRS’ role in promoting segregation?

7. How does Rothstein say the 2008 housing collapse affected black families?

8. How does Rothstein say federal policies actively injured black communities?

9. How does Rothstein say tax policy was abused to the detriment of African Americans?

10. What other local tactics does Rothstein describe?

(see the answer keys)

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