Ways of Seeing Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ways of Seeing Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Couture's painting "A Roman Feast" display?
(a) A voluptuous reclining woman.
(b) A full table of meat and bread.
(c) A full glass of wine and a festive party.
(d) The end of a war with a field of bodies.

2. Which words best describe the setting of "Demoiselles au bord de la Seine"?
(a) Sensual and exotic.
(b) Spontaneous and abstract.
(c) Dainty and lacy.
(d) Dark and cold.

3. In what way does the ruling class of a period support or promote their own way of seeing?
(a) By commissioning oil paintings that depict sights of what they possess.
(b) By creating great halls of family portraits.
(c) By bribing artists into depicting themselves as more wealthy or powerful than they really are.
(d) By only permitting specifc depictions of holy figures.

4. From what time period are the images on pages 120 and 121?
(a) Late twentieth century.
(b) Early twenty-first century.
(c) The nineteenth century.
(d) The sixteenth century.

5. Which word best describes the images on pages 72 and 73?
(a) Fantasy.
(b) Reality.
(c) Beastly.
(d) Devout.

Short Answer Questions

1. What tends to be the central figure(s) in the images presented in Chapter 4 on pages 66 and 67?

2. What is the visual irony between the images on pages 68 and 69, and the images on pages 70 and 71?

3. Which of the following is a common theme in the images on pages 116 and 117?

4. According to Berger et al., what does traditional oil painting effectively do?

5. Which phrase is a good description of how Demoiselles is portrayed?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Ford Madox Brown's nineteenth century painting titled "The Pretty Baa Lambs" slightly humorous against the other images on pages 66 and 67?

2. What is in the Knoll Ball Room? Describe what it looks like.

3. Explain how an oil painting depicts subjects differently than other art forms, as discussed by the authors.

4. Explain how Rembrandt's two self-portraits, the first at age twenty-eight and the second at age fifty-eight, evolve to include content that is not conventionally found in traditional oil paintings of his time.

5. Describe how Holbein's work "The Ambassadors" is typical of traditional oil paintings and the manner of presenting the subjects, as explained by the authors.

6. Describe the painting "Europe supported by Africa and America" by William Blake, and propose the message the artist is sending through the work.

7. What is demonstrated about the visual arts in comparing the photograph of "Sarah Burge, 1883. Dr Barnardo's Homes", and the oil painting "Peasant Boy Leaning on Sill"?

8. Describe the difference in the artist portrayal of a portrait versus a self-portrait.

9. What objects are common subjects for traditional oil paintings, and how are they conventionally depicted?

10. In Chapter 6, compare the visual characteristics of the images "Sarah Burge, 1883. Dr Barnardo's Homes", and the oil painting by Bartolome Murillo titled "Peasant Boy Leaning on Sill".

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