Ways of Seeing Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ways of Seeing Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do paintings of children demonstrate about the patron who commissioned the work?
(a) It demonstrates that the patron is of good health.
(b) It demonstrates their good political judgment.
(c) It demonstrates what they own and enjoy in life.
(d) It demonstrates how the patron remains in the upper class of society.

2. Which statement could easily be an interpretation of Van Gogh's "a cornfield with birds flying out of it"?
(a) The obsession of fortune and fame of an artist in his day.
(b) The balance between man and nature.
(c) The ultimate battle between rich and poor.
(d) The final release from the struggle of his soul before suicide.

3. What is different about an art collector compared to a collector of other objects?
(a) Art collectors must actively take part in their collections.
(b) An art collector is surrounded by pictures that show him the sights of what he may posses.
(c) An art collector typically has more social standing than collectors of other objects.
(d) Art collectors are the most wealthy of collectors.

4. What conventions influence traditional European oil painting as it develops?
(a) The obsession with property and power.
(b) The push for experimental theater and arts in general.
(c) The intolerance of nude figures.
(d) The strive to create more social good.

5. What is significant about the images presented on pages 120 and 121?
(a) They create a powerful commentary about social media.
(b) They are indicative of the times and how people lived then.
(c) They contain famous subjects.
(d) They demonstrate the difference between nude and clothed figures.

6. What is the extraordinary significance of works such as" A Family Group" by Nouts?
(a) The subjects are all very wealthy and popular at the time.
(b) An artist spends days and weeks of time laboriously putting oil on canvas to record the event.
(c) The paint itself is a new technology that will last centuries.
(d) A patron of such a work is not typically a collector of art.

7. After the period of traditional oil paintings, what medium becomes the primary form of visual imagery?
(a) Photography.
(b) Sculpture.
(c) Murals.
(d) Film.

8. From what ages does Rembrandt paint two self-portraits?
(a) Ages forty to fifty.
(b) Ages twenty-eight to fifty-eight.
(c) Ages eighteen to twenty-five.
(d) Ages eighty to eighty-five.

9. What is the metaphor that Berger et al. use to describe the European oil painting tradition?
(a) A window unto the world.
(b) The crutch of society.
(c) The metamorphasis of a butterfly.
(d) A wall safe unto which the ways of seeing are deposited.

10. What could be said about the contents of Chapter 4?
(a) The images are ordered by date.
(b) The contents include two paintings from each period of art.
(c) The images represent a general history of art.
(d) The contents are not organized in any manner.

11. What does Nattier's "Mademoiselle de Clermonte" depict?
(a) The wealth and power and foreign nations.
(b) The injustice against women.
(c) The social structure that is acceptable and expected of the time.
(d) The politics of war.

12. What covers the Knoll Ball Room?
(a) Oil paintings.
(b) Heavy tapestries.
(c) Nude photos.
(d) Busts of prominent persons.

13. What is Chapter 6 comprised of?
(a) Publicity images.
(b) Black and white photography.
(c) Oil paintings and some photographs.
(d) Abstract mixed media.

14. What is similar about all of the portraits on page 76?
(a) All the subjects stand alone.
(b) All the subjects are undressing.
(c) All the subjects are holding a bible.
(d) All the subjects are reclining in a chair.

15. Until approximately what date does the period of traditional oil painting run through?
(a) 1900.
(b) 1817.
(c) 2010.
(d) 1917.

Short Answer Questions

1. What primarily constitutes a landscape painting as traditional oil techniques are developed?

2. What is evident when comparing the two images "Sarah Burge, 1883. Dr Barnardo's Homes" and " Peasant Boy Leaning on Sill"?

3. What makes the self-portraits on pages 80 and 81 interesting to the viewer?

4. How could one best describe Hans Baldung Grien's "Three ages of Women"?

5. What is visually similar about the paintings "Sarah Burge, 1883. Dr Barnardo's Homes" and " Peasant Boy Leaning on Sill"?

(see the answer keys)

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