Ways of Seeing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ways of Seeing Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following statements is true, according to Berger?
(a) Nakedness is without disguise, but nudity is a form of dress.
(b) Nudity is as shameful as nakedness.
(c) Nude and naked should really be one word since they have the same meaning.
(d) Nakedness should be acceptable to society.

2. What affect does a title have on a painting's meaning?
(a) A title is not necessary in historical paintings.
(b) A title can be changed to any words without affecting the viewer.
(c) Words in a title will affect the painting more than the viewer.
(d) Words in a title can change the interpretation of a painting.

3. What word best describes the overall affect of the combined images on pages 36 and 37?
(a) Love.
(b) Friendship.
(c) Elegance.
(d) Athletic.

4. What does Berger et al. claim that a woman's presence is to a man?
(a) A man thinks of a woman's presence only as a physical existence.
(b) A man thinks of a woman's presence as emotional radiance.
(c) A man thinks of a woman's presence as an awkward postition.
(d) A man thinks of a woman's presence only as it benefits himself.

5. In Chapter 2, what are the authors trying to demonstrate with the images on pages 40 and 41?
(a) That the combination of text and image can create a very powerful and intentional meaning.
(b) That mixing images of formal portraits and self-portraits defines the unique qualities of each.
(c) That the combination of photographs and paintings creates a contrast similar to realism and abstract painting.
(d) That mixing images of men and women defines the unique qualities of each.

6. Which item would NOT fit the theme on pages 40 and 41?
(a) A handbag or purse.
(b) Ladies stockings.
(c) A harp.
(d) An advertising slogan for juicy pineapple.

7. Who is meant to be the ideal viewer of pages 42 and 43?
(a) Art historians.
(b) Female consumers.
(c) Contemporary artists.
(d) Businessmen.

8. In general, what does seeing do?
(a) Gives you the ability to avoid danger.
(b) Enables you to read.
(c) Gives you the ability to touch the environment.
(d) Enables you to respond to the environment.

9. What invention eventually disproves the idea of center, and single eye?
(a) The clock.
(b) The computer.
(c) The camera.
(d) The microscope.

10. What diversifies the meaning of a painting?
(a) Its reproduction in many locations.
(b) The type of museum lighting.
(c) Its title.
(d) Its type of framing.

11. Who is Frans Hals?
(a) A famous, modern, art historian.
(b) An eighty-year-old destitute Dutch painter in 1664.
(c) A young impressionist in 1890.
(d) An emerging artist in New York City in 1990.

12. Where is the figure in "Bathsheba" sitting?
(a) She is sitting at her bedside.
(b) She is sitting at the dinner table.
(c) The woman is sitting to have her feet washed.
(d) She is sitting to write a letter.

13. How do Berger et al. refer to a woman's dual role?
(a) Surveyor and surveyed.
(b) Needs and wants.
(c) Image and imaginary.
(d) Seen and sight.

14. Which painting is used an example of who benefits from a nude painting?
(a) Picasso's abstract female nudes.
(b) Gaugin's "Nevermore."
(c) Bronzino's painting of Cupid and Venus.
(d) Rembrant's "Bathesheba."

15. What image is the exception to the images featured on pages 36 and 37?
(a) The black and white photos.
(b) The storefront mannequins.
(c) The advertising slogans.
(d) The celebrity photos.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is prominent in Ruben's painting?

2. What is unique about the Cubist images in Chapter 2 on pages 38 and 39?

3. In Chapter 2, what is the most stark contrast between the images on the first set of facing pages (36 and 37) and the images on the second set of facing pages (38 and 39)?

4. According to the authors, what is a woman's internal presence comprised of?

5. What word would best describe the images on pages 40 and 41?

(see the answer keys)

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