Ways of Seeing Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ways of Seeing Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is an example of how creating a reproduction can change the meaning of a painting?
(a) A photographer takes a picture of Da Vinci's the "Virgin of the Rocks" in the National Gallery.
(b) The face of one figure in a group can be isolated in reproduction to become a portrait.
(c) A publisher of an art history book decides to reproduce images to accompany the text.
(d) An art student attempts to make a reproduction of Da Vinci's "Virgin of the Rocks".

2. Which statement best describes the Cubist style?
(a) It creates a perfect singular persective for the viewer,
(b) It leads the spectator to the center of the artwork.
(c) It presents the visible from many eyes.
(d) It demonstrates the capabilities of modern technology.

3. When do artists begin to use the concept of singular perspective?
(a) In the early Renaissance.
(b) In early Abstractionism.
(c) In the early Surrealist movement.
(d) In the early Impressionist movement.

4. In Chapter 2, pages 36 and 37, how are the women in the images viewed by men in the same images?
(a) The women are the focus of their attention.
(b) The women are generally ignored.
(c) The women are serving the men.
(d) The women are awkwardly posing for the men.

5. What is the theme of pages 42 and 43?
(a) A demonstration of corruption in a democratic society.
(b) A demonstration of the problems in modern art and culture.
(c) A demonstration of the right to free speech in the United States.
(d) A demonstration of objectifying women for publicity purposes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What could be stated as the theme of pages 40 and 41?

2. In Chapter 2, what are the authors trying to demonstrate with the images on pages 40 and 41?

3. In Chapter 2, what do facing pages 40 and 41 contain?

4. Most of the images on pages 40 and 41 are of what content?

5. Where is the spectator located when a work of art uses the single eye perspective?

(see the answer key)

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