Tao of Jeet Kune Do Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tao of Jeet Kune Do Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A _____ snaps the body from a straight lead to miss an opponent blow.
(a) Snap back.
(b) Counter.
(c) Parry.
(d) Duck.

2. A what point of a fight does Bruce Lee recommend the fighter stay loose but poised and use economical movements?
(a) Before initiation of an attack.
(b) Before a fight begins.
(c) After receiving a blow.
(d) Between punches.

3. According to Lee, how are the psychic hindrances of man and surroundings eliminated?
(a) Through the process of mastering technical knowledge.
(b) Through eliminating negative thoughts and feelings.
(c) Through living in harmony with nature.
(d) Through a rigid martial arts practice.

4. What does Lee teach is the state one must preserve when the fighting stance is assumed?
(a) Fearlessness.
(b) Power and control.
(c) Spiritual freedom and non-attachment.
(d) Gratitude.

5. What does Lee call the space a fighter and his opponent have in relation to each other?
(a) Fighting measure.
(b) Personal space.
(c) Following distance.
(d) Two parts of a whole.

6. Which Jeet Kune Do move drops the body forward from the waist under swings and hooks to the head?
(a) Ducking.
(b) Sweeping.
(c) Lunging.
(d) Slipping.

7. What does Lee say a mind loses if it stops?
(a) The potential for enlightenment.
(b) Its own fluidity.
(c) Jeet Kune Do training.
(d) Memory and facts.

8. What does Lee instruct fighters to use to coordinate closing and opening distances?
(a) Hands and feet.
(b) Non-thinking.
(c) Arm span.
(d) An estimation.

9. What does Lee call the four forms of simple attack that include thrusts, simple disengagements, counter-disengagements and cut-overs?
(a) The Power Four.
(b) Renewed attacks.
(c) Counter attacks.
(d) Compound attacks.

10. Lee states that most offensive action is _____, following a _____ or countering an opponent attack.
(a) Favorable/Mistake.
(b) Aggressive/Sign.
(c) Predictable/Jab.
(d) Indirect/Feint.

11. What does Lee believe opens spiritual insight?
(a) Fencing.
(b) Jeet Kune Do.
(c) Nirvana.
(d) Meditation.

12. What does Lee teach as a fast forceful backward movement that allows further retreat or stepping forward to attack?
(a) The quick retreat.
(b) Circling.
(c) Milling on the retreat.
(d) The backward shuffle.

13. Where should the execution of the feint start from?
(a) A minimum of three feet away.
(b) The on-guard position.
(c) A body's length away from the opponent.
(d) A side position.

14. What is a counterattack that follows a parry and is determined by the opponent's anticipated reactions?
(a) Renewed attack.
(b) Immobilization attack.
(c) Weaving.
(d) Riposte.

15. The _____ in the high line of engagement starts under the opponent's hand, and in the low line starts over the opponent's hand.
(a) Simple parry.
(b) Circular parry.
(c) Semicircular parry.
(d) Compound parry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lee teaches that in Jeet Kune Do, combat is a matter of _____.

2. What parts of the body does Lee refer to in his instructions for slipping?

3. Who does Lee say that counterattacking is safer for?

4. What move does Lee teach that shifts the weight and changes the feet while remaining balanced?

5. What attack occurs in the same line as the original action when the opponent retreats without a parry?

(see the answer keys)

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