Nickel and Dimed: On Not Getting by in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Nickel and Dimed: On Not Getting by in America Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Barbara is surprised that she feels a strong urge to ________ the patrons who she meets.
(a) Nuture
(b) Impress
(c) Ignore
(d) Avoid

2. When a manager sees Barbara having a little __________ during her shift, she is scolded, but instead of fighting it, she walks out.
(a) Smoke
(b) Sip of water
(c) Soup
(d) Break

3. According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, in 1998, the hourly wage necessary to afford a one bedroom apartment was _________.
(a) $8.89
(b) $6.50
(c) $7.50
(d) $10.00

4. What did Barbara fear employers would think she was if she were to put the PhD on her resumes and applications?
(a) Alcoholic
(b) Reporter
(c) Druggie
(d) Actress

5. Barbara ruled out areas like LA and New York as the working class consists mainly of people of _______ and she might look out of place.
(a) Poverty
(b) Higher education
(c) Class
(d) Color

Short Answer Questions

1. Barbara realizes that her use of a car is different as many minimum wage workers have to use _________ to get around.

2. Barbara lets a sewer repairman spend a few minutes cooling off with a ________________ before taking his order.

3. What does Jerry's restaurant close off to employees since they don't want other employees lingering there during breaks?

4. Barbara feels to truly replicate the experience of a minimum wage worker, she would need to have a few __________ in tow too.

5. Barbara certainly does not want to do hard ________ labor when she is working at her new jobs.

Short Essay Questions

1. How much does Barbara think she will have to make in order to pay her rent and for food during her stay in Florida?

2. What kind of job does Barbara say that she will take, money-wise, at least at the start of the experiment?

3. If things get too rough during this experiment, what does Barbara say she will do in order to feel herself or to support herself?

4. What do the managers do to Barbara when she is an employee at Hearthside, she realizes as she continues to work there?

5. When Stu says that drugs have been found at the restaurant, what do the employees speculate about this action?

6. Why doesn't Barbara think the physical exertion of her new job should be bothering her so much?

7. What will Barbara drive when she is a part of this experiment in working for minimum wage?

8. What happens if Barbara thinks she will have to go homeless, even for one night during this experiment?

9. What is the one thing that Barbara says she will not mention as she is applying and working during this experiment?

10. What will Barbara not rely on in order to get a job and to support herself, as one of the rules of her experiment?

(see the answer keys)

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