The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848 Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How religious does Hobsbawm say the working classes were, by modern standards?
(a) More radical than before.
(b) Not religious at all.
(c) Still quite religious.
(d) Devoutly religious, as before.

2. What fell away as industrialism developed in Europe?
(a) Secularism.
(b) Sons following into their fathers' professions.
(c) Apprenticeship.
(d) Protestantism.

3. What did working-class organizers promise the workers, as the gap between rich and poor grew wider?
(a) Power to rule in the aristocrats' place, with all of the aristocrats' luxuries.
(b) Equal representation in legislative and judiciary functions of government.
(c) A permanent change in society that recognized their importance as the source of all wealth.
(d) Ownership of the means of production.

4. Who were the working poor typically rebelling against, in Hobsbawm's account?
(a) The middle class as much as the elite.
(b) The monarchy.
(c) Workers in other nations.
(d) The aristocracy.

5. Which musician did NOT rise to prominence during the Age of Revolution?
(a) Schubert.
(b) Beethoven.
(c) Bach.
(d) Schumann.

Short Answer Questions

1. What landmark event does Hobsbawm use as the beginning of the middle class ideology?

2. What was the consequence of British land reforms in India?

3. What possibility did this social structure open to French society?

4. In what way does Hobsbawm say that religion was still useful?

5. In what respect does Hobsbawm say that Britain was well-situated as industrialism expanded?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Hobsbawm say were the three paths a working class person could choose in 1848?

2. How does Hobsbawm describe the class tensions surrounding the new middle class?

3. How did those in power react to the spread of middle class ideology, in Hobsbawm's account?

4. How, in Hobsbawm's account, did European land reforms fare in other places?

5. What happened in France while the rest of Europe was industrializing?

6. How does Hobsbawm describe the working class' living conditions?

7. Why does Hobsbawm describe the changing use of the landscape "the most catastrophic phenomenon" of the period?

8. Why were Jews and Protestants in particular successful and socially mobile, in Hobsbawm's account?

9. How does Hobsbawm say France in particular created opportunities for a new middle class?

10. Which religions were expanding as the Catholic Church's importance was declining?

(see the answer keys)

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