The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848 Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What capability was open to the middle class, as a result of the age of revolutions, that was not open before the revolutions?
(a) Land speculation.
(b) Class mobility.
(c) Migration.
(d) Small business ownership.

2. What figure does Hobsbawm say emerged from Romanticism?
(a) The alienated genius.
(b) The exiled emperor.
(c) The fertile woman.
(d) The lonely old man.

3. What did France produce as other countries' economies changed?
(a) Luxury goods for export.
(b) Raw materials for export.
(c) A full range of products.
(d) Common goods for its domestic market.

4. What was NOT a source to which Hobsbawm attributes the development of the arts during the industrialization of Europe?
(a) The French Revolution.
(b) Primitive man.
(c) Futurism.
(d) The middle ages.

5. Which religions gained adherents after the French Revolution?
(a) Protestantism and folk religions.
(b) Islam and Protestantism.
(c) Hinduism and Islam.
(d) Paganism and Protestantism.

6. What did the land have to be turned into before it could be developed economically, in Hobsbawm's opinion?
(a) A tamed beast.
(b) A commodity that could be bought and sold.
(c) Feudal domains.
(d) Farmland again, after years of being battefields.

7. What is the paradox in France's failure to develop its industries?
(a) The workers became more efficient, but the cost of living skyrocketed.
(b) The aristocracy lost the land, but retained the right to what the land produced.
(c) The peasants had more autonomy as a result of land reforms, but they were not well positioned to capitalize on their land.
(d) The peasants gained more political power, but with so many voices, the government was paralyzed.

8. What does Hobsbawm say was the realm of all important thought at the time?
(a) It was secular.
(b) It was religious.
(c) It was political.
(d) It was literary.

9. How did the people in political power react to middle class ideology, in Hobsbawm's account?
(a) They attempted to repress it, generally.
(b) They embraced it only reluctantly.
(c) They turned it to their advantage politically.
(d) They either followed it or ignored it.

10. What landmark event does Hobsbawm see as the peak of the middle class ideology?
(a) The publication of "Kubla Khan".
(b) The publication of Malthus' theories.
(c) The publication of Ricardo's 'Principles of Political Economy'.
(d) The publication of "Origin of Species".

11. In Hobsbawm's account, what did the peasantry gain by land reforms sweeping the globe in the mid-1800s?
(a) Money.
(b) Culture.
(c) Freedom.
(d) Tradition.

12. Where were Protestant sects at the head of religious revivals?
(a) France and Spain.
(b) Austria and Prussia.
(c) Russia.
(d) Britain and America.

13. What did Hobsbawm find in conservative thinking of the period?
(a) Hobsbawm did not find much of value.
(b) The beginnings of fascism.
(c) A strong tradition, in literature in particular.
(d) Myriad alternatives to industrialization.

14. What fell away as industrialism developed in Europe?
(a) Apprenticeship.
(b) Secularism.
(c) Sons following into their fathers' professions.
(d) Protestantism.

15. What social structure attended the profession that emerged in France as a result of Napoleon?
(a) An oligarchy.
(b) A plutocracy.
(c) A hierarchical bureaucracy.
(d) A new aristocracy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What began to develop as industrialism developed in Europe?

2. Which religion was expanding from Turkey through Africa and to the east?

3. What change does Hobsbawm say took place in the neighborhoods of the working poor?

4. Which class was Romanticism popular among, in Hobsbawm's account?

5. What was the political ideology behind the organizers' promises to the working poor?

(see the answer keys)

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