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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. After his promise to Kekesfalva, what is the family's mood when Hofmiller arrives at the castle?
2. To celebrate the cure Dr. Condor has found, to what location do Edith and Ilona plan an outing?
3. After Edith is taken away, what does the butler ask Hofmiller to do?
4. After leaving the military, what did Balinkay do?
5. Who tells Hofmiller's friends that he is engaged to Edith?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why is Hofmiller surprised by the loving relationship between Dr. Condor and his wife?
2. In her first note to Hofmiller after her love for him has been revealed, what does Edith want from him?
3. Describe the many changes in Edith's mood during the trip to the horse farm.
4. What event occurs to put a damper on Hofmiller's happiness when he returns to his barracks after the trip to the horse farm?
5. Why does Hofmiller initially refuse Kekesfalva's request that he marry Edith in return for Kekesfalva giving him his entire fortune?
6. Why does Hofmiller not admit that he has exaggerated the potential for the new treatment to cure Edith?
7. How does Hofmiller react when Edith angrily asks why he bothers coming to see her and her family?
8. Why does Hofmiller think Balinkay is a good person to seek out for advice on his situation?
9. Why is Hofmiller so willing to go to war after Edith's death?
10. What happens at the end of the book to make Hofmiller realize he'll never be free of his guilt?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Lies and delusion are central themes throughout the book. Describe how small lies grew into major ones, and the impact those lies had on the characters and the book's outcome.
Essay Topic 2
Examine foreshadowing in "Beware of Pity". How were important events in the book foreshadowed, including Edith's suicide, Kekesfalva's death and the disastrous results of Hofmiller's pity for the family?
Essay Topic 3
Discuss the role that well-meaning intentions play in "Beware of Pity". Include at least three specific instances in which characters act with good intentions, but whose actions go awry and cause serious consequences. Were they right or wrong to act on their original impulses and good intentions?
This section contains 1,072 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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