Beware of Pity Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beware of Pity Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Page 182 through 223..

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What book does Hofmiller read?
(a) The Arabian Nights.
(b) A Tale of Two Cities.
(c) Grimm's Fairy Tales.
(d) The Bible.

2. After learning Edith is in love with him, what does Ilona help Hofmiller do?
(a) Sneak out of the house.
(b) Decide when to ask for her hand in marriage.
(c) Figure out how to transfer to a different unit to get away from Edith.
(d) Buy an engagement ring for Edith.

3. What kind of personality did Dietzenhof have?
(a) She was timid and meek.
(b) She was flirtatious.
(c) She had a strong, forceful personality.
(d) She was silly and frivolous.

4. Why did Princess Orosvar cut her relatives out of her will?
(a) She disagreed with their political views.
(b) She disowned them after marrying into another family.
(c) She learned that she had been adopted and they were not related to her by blood.
(d) She learned that while she had been seriously ill, they had fought among themselves about who would get what portions of her estate as they waited for her to die.

5. How much was Dietzenhof's estate actually worth?
(a) It was worth about half the amount Kekesfalva quoted to her.
(b) It was worth about six times the amount Kekesfalva quoted to her.
(c) It was worth about three times the amount Kekesfalva quoted to her.
(d) It was considered priceless.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hofmiller do when he arrives at the castle and finds Edith sleeping on the terrace?

2. Why does Hofmiller tell Kekesfalva about the promising new treatment Dr. Condor mentioned?

3. What does Dr. Condor tell Hofmiller they must do about Hofmiller's lie to the Kekesfalvas?

4. How does Hofmiller perceive Edith after their first two meetings?

5. What does Dr. Condor tell Hofmiller was his initial opinion about why Hofmiller has become friends with Kekesfalva and his family?

(see the answer key)

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