Beware of Pity Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beware of Pity Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Page 182 through 223..

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Dr. Condor respond when Hofmiller asks if Edith's condition is curable?
(a) He says he is certain there is no cure.
(b) He tells Hofmiller that Edith's condition is none of his business.
(c) He says he is certain that a cure exists and he is working on finding it.
(d) He chastises Hofmiller, saying that to believe anyone is incurable is to deny them hope.

2. What surprising thing does Edith do as Hofmiller is about to leave her room?
(a) She kisses him passionately.
(b) She offers him money to accompany her on her trip.
(c) She tells him she is not optimistic about the treatment.
(d) She turns away when he tries to kiss her.

3. When Edith wants to show Hofmiller what she is capable of, what does she attempt to climb over?
(a) The garden wall.
(b) A balcony.
(c) The stall in a barn.
(d) A large pile of discarded furniture.

4. Why does Hofmiller tell Kekesfalva about the promising new treatment Dr. Condor mentioned?
(a) He feels pity for Kekesfalva and knows he will not be satisfied unless Hofmiller gives him some promising news.
(b) Kekesfalva says Dr. Condor had mentioned it previously and now he wants more details.
(c) Kekesfalva had read about the treatment in the newspaper and wants to know if Dr. Condor has looked into it.
(d) Hofmiller hopes to take credit for finding out about the treatment if it proves effective for Edith.

5. How does Edith feel after Hofmiller tells her about his financial condition?
(a) She is sympathetic and offers him money.
(b) She is angry that he hasn't told her this before.
(c) She is embarrassed because he buys her such nice flowers.
(d) She doesn't believe he's telling the truth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What two reasons does Hofmiller give for his inability to join the family on the trip to the sanitarium?

2. What aspect of Hofmiller's background makes him especially grateful for the warm welcome he continues to receive at the Kekesfalva's home?

3. Why does Dr. Condor tell Hofmiller the details about Kekesfalva's past?

4. After learning Edith is in love with him, what does Ilona help Hofmiller do?

5. After Dietzenhof completed the sale of the property without realizing Kekesfalva was the actual buyer, what caused him to begin to feel guilty about taking advantage of her?

(see the answer key)

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