Beware of Pity Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Stefan Zweig
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Beware of Pity Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Page 34 through 76..

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hofmiller do after Kekesfalva apologizes for Edith's behavior?
(a) He takes the old man's hand and tries to comfort him.
(b) He says there is no excuse for such rudeness, despite her disability.
(c) He tries to change the subject.
(d) He expresses his interest in dating Edith.

2. Why does Hofmiller hesitate when Kekesfalva insists that his driver take Hofmiller home on a rainy night?
(a) He is concerned about how arriving in a luxury car will appear to his fellow soldiers.
(b) He thinks Kekesfalva is being too generous.
(c) He doesn't want Kekesfalva to know that he is planning to meet some friends rather than go home that night.
(d) He enjoys walking in the rain.

3. After Kekesfalva speaks privately to Hofmiller about talking to Dr. Condor, what is Edith's mood when the two men return to the house?
(a) She is excited that Hofmiller is going to ask Dr. Condor about her prospects for improvement.
(b) She seems to suspect that they've been talking about her, and she's quiet and moody for the rest of the evening.
(c) She is angry and demands to know what they've been discussing.
(d) She is cheerful and happy that Hofmiller has come for dinner.

4. According to the book's introduction by Joan Acocella, why was the author, Stefan Zweig, so interested in the inner workings of the human mind?
(a) He read a great deal about psychology.
(b) He was a friend of Sigmund Freud.
(c) He was trained as a psychiatrist.
(d) His father was a psychiatrist.

5. Why is Hofmiller so confused by the range of emotions Edith and her family brings forth in him?
(a) Before, he had simply lived for the present day and not been profoundly moved by anything or anyone.
(b) Edith is the first girl he's fallen in love with.
(c) His psychiatrist can find no explanation for the sudden changes in him.
(d) He is getting conflicting advice from his friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Hofmiller go to Kekesfalva's home three days before the date of his dinner invitation?

2. How does Hofmiller react when he sees Ilona in the street after taking a night away from the family to play cards with his friends?

3. How does Hofmiller perceive Edith after their first two meetings?

4. According to the introduction, in what way did Zweig's life mirror that of his main character, Hofmiller?

5. How does Hofmiller first learn about Herr Kekesfalva?

(see the answer key)

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