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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Hofmiller do after Kekesfalva apologizes for Edith's behavior?
(a) He takes the old man's hand and tries to comfort him.
(b) He expresses his interest in dating Edith.
(c) He tries to change the subject.
(d) He says there is no excuse for such rudeness, despite her disability.
2. Why is Edith happy, rather than upset, when a new maid reacts in horror to the fact that she is disabled?
(a) Her father wants her to hide her disability, but Edith wants others to know about it.
(b) She thinks the maid will wait on her more if she feels sorry for her.
(c) She finds the maid's reaction funny.
(d) It is an honest, human reaction, as opposed to the coddling she usually receives from others.
3. How does Dr. Condor perceive that Edith's attitude seems to have changed?
(a) She seems to be afraid of him.
(b) She is more resistant toward him and seems more frustrated.
(c) She asks many more questions than before.
(d) She seems to trust him more than she did before.
4. When telling him about the potential treatment for Edith, what does Hofmiller finally end up promising Kekesfalva?
(a) He promises that he'll take care of Edith if Kekesfalva dies.
(b) He promises that he'll marry Edith.
(c) He promises that Edith will get well very soon.
(d) He promises that he'll accompany Edith to France so she can get the new treatment.
5. What happens when Hofmiller arrives at the castle to thank Kekesfalva for the dinner invitation?
(a) He is turned away because he doesn't have an appointment.
(b) The family is not at home.
(c) Kekesfalva invites him to stay for tea.
(d) The family is offended and rescinds his dinner invitation.
6. How did Dietzenhof change after marrying Kekesfalva?
(a) She resented Kekesfalva because he treated her so poorly.
(b) She became bitter and cruel.
(c) She became resentful about being tricked into sharing her wealth.
(d) She blossomed and even developed physical beauty.
7. What happens at the second dinner that makes Hofmiller feel especially happy and powerful?
(a) He is able to entertain the women and sees that Kekesfalva notices.
(b) All the women want to dance with him.
(c) The Lt. Colonel offers him a promotion.
(d) Kekesfalva invites him to go on vacation with the family.
8. Why does Kekesfalva like Dr. Condor so much?
(a) Dr. Condor went to the best schools.
(b) Dr. Condor shows him more respect than Edith's other doctors do.
(c) They grew up together and have been lifelong friends.
(d) He is the only doctor who has remained optimistic about Edith's chances for improving her condition.
9. How does Dr. Condor behave during dinner with Hofmiller and Kekesfalva?
(a) He eats only a little and lectures the others on the dangers of overeating.
(b) He bores the others with long stories about his medical research.
(c) He stuffs himself with food and wine, ignoring everyone at the table.
(d) He is a lively dinner companion, entertaining everyone with stories about his travels.
10. How did Kekesfalva acquire the first part of his fortune?
(a) He became an insurance agent, then began providing essentially any kind of service people needed or wanted.
(b) He won the European lottery.
(c) He moved to India and worked in the coffee industry.
(d) His father died and left him a very large inheritance.
11. Why does Edith not dance with Hofmiller?
(a) Her boyfriend doesn't want her to dance with another man.
(b) She is disabled and can't use her legs.
(c) Her father doesn't allow her to dance.
(d) She is too shy.
12. Hofmiller realizes that during all his visits to the castle, he has failed to ask what he considers the most natural of questions. What is the question?
(a) Is Edith's condition permanent or is there hope for a cure?
(b) Why does Ilona live with Kekesfalva and Edith?
(c) How did Kekesfalva become so wealthy?
(d) How did Edith become crippled?
13. According to the book's introduction by Joan Acocella, why was the author, Stefan Zweig, so interested in the inner workings of the human mind?
(a) He was trained as a psychiatrist.
(b) He read a great deal about psychology.
(c) He was a friend of Sigmund Freud.
(d) His father was a psychiatrist.
14. After Dietzenhof completed the sale of the property without realizing Kekesfalva was the actual buyer, what caused him to begin to feel guilty about taking advantage of her?
(a) She said she needed as much money as she could get to take care of her disabled child.
(b) She began to suspect that he had tricked her.
(c) She told him how often other people had taken advantage of her.
(d) She offered to pay him for all his help.
15. What does Dr. Condor tell Hofmiller about incurable illnesses?
(a) He says a cure will be found for Edith's condition within five years.
(b) He says there is always hope because new cures are found routinely.
(c) He says Edith's condition is undoubtedly incurable.
(d) He says that once a disease has been deemed incurable, there is no hope left.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Dr. Condor tell Hofmiller was his initial opinion about why Hofmiller has become friends with Kekesfalva and his family?
2. What aspect of Hofmiller's background makes him especially grateful for the warm welcome he continues to receive at the Kekesfalva's home?
3. How much was Dietzenhof's estate actually worth?
4. Why is Hofmiller so pleased about Kekesfalva's request that he speak to Dr. Condor about Edith?
5. Sitting in the café alone after buying Dietzenhof's property, how did Kekesfalva decide to handle his guilt over tricking her?
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