Beware of Pity Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beware of Pity Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Page 34 through 76..

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the introduction, in what way did Zweig's life mirror that of his main character, Hofmiller?
(a) He was also an army officer.
(b) They shared similar taste in books.
(c) He named the character after his brother.
(d) He married a very young, very naïve secretary.

2. What does his decision to trot instead of gallop make Hofmiller realize about himself?
(a) He is undergoing a profound change as a result of his pity for Edith.
(b) He loves Edith and wants to marry her.
(c) Edith's condition makes it impossible for him to respect her.
(d) He has lost the respect of his men.

3. What does Hofmiller do when he arrives at the castle and finds Edith sleeping on the terrace?
(a) He takes the opportunity to look at her more carefully and feels an overwhelming rush of pity for her.
(b) He sits down to read a book until she wakes up.
(c) He wakes her to explain his absence the previous night.
(d) He goes quietly into the house so he won't wake her.

4. What aspect of Hofmiller's background makes him especially grateful for the warm welcome he continues to receive at the Kekesfalva's home?
(a) He has been brought up in a wealthy home, so he feels comfortable and at ease with the family's wealth.
(b) He has been raised in an orphanage, so he begins to think of Kekesfalva as a father figure.
(c) He has been brought up in military institutions, so he loves the homey feeling of their house and family.
(d) His parents are servants of a wealthy family, so he likes turning the tables by having servants wait on him.

5. In the introduction, Zweig says his depiction of Kekesfalva's early life and the discrimination he felt is based on what?
(a) It is based on his parents' experience.
(b) It is based on the experience of Eastern Jews.
(c) It is based on the experiences of characters in his favorite novels.
(d) It is based on his own experience.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Hofmiller uncomfortable when he first arrives at the dinner party?

2. What happens at the second dinner that makes Hofmiller feel especially happy and powerful?

3. Why is Hofmiller so confused by the range of emotions Edith and her family brings forth in him?

4. How does Hofmiller react when he sees Ilona in the street after taking a night away from the family to play cards with his friends?

5. After asking Hofmiller to talk to Dr. Condor about Edith, why does Kekesfalva want to rush back to the house?

(see the answer key)

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