The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848 Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Age of Revolution: Europe 1789-1848 Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Ideology: Religion.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the Code of Napoleon?
(a) The bureaucratic system instituted in France.
(b) The reform that abolished feudalism.
(c) The criminal law instituted by Napoleon.
(d) The currency policy that financed the Napoleonic wars.

2. How does Hobsbawm describe the traditional system of agriculture?
(a) As a backwards set of superstitions.
(b) As a hindrance to economic growth.
(c) As a legacy of improvements.
(d) As the foundation for industrialism.

3. In what way does Hobsbawm say that religion was still useful?
(a) As propaganda to justify xenophobia.
(b) As propaganda to build nationalism.
(c) As a prop to secure the middle class.
(d) As nostalgia for an earlier golden age.

4. How much does Hobsbawm say Europeans were affected by the Napoleonic Wars?
(a) He says that almost everyone felt the effects in one way or another.
(b) He says that fighting was widespread throughout many regions.
(c) He says that many were not affected at all.
(d) He says that the wide areas were almost totally devastated. but some were left untouched.

5. What was the new stance toward religion after the French Revolution?
(a) The state had seized all church lands, and the church was diminished.
(b) People were not hostile, but society was becoming more secular.
(c) The church had insinuated itself into the government.
(d) Radicals were openly antagonistic to the church.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the consequence of British land reforms in India?

2. What does Hobsbawm say had to happen to the land before its economic potential could be unleashed?

3. Where were the French forces defeated in 1815?

4. What did the land have to be turned into before it could be developed economically, in Hobsbawm's opinion?

5. How were the working classes influenced by religion after the French Revolution?

(see the answer key)

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