Beware of Pity Test | Final Test - Medium

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beware of Pity Test | Final Test - Medium

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What evidence of her feelings has Edith given everyone in the house?
(a) She has shown them secret notes she has written to Hofmiller.
(b) She has begun to plan their wedding.
(c) She wakes them every night to ask if they think Hofmiller is fond of her.
(d) She has asked her father to approach him about marriage.

2. When Edith wants to show Hofmiller what she is capable of, what does she attempt to climb over?
(a) A balcony.
(b) The garden wall.
(c) The stall in a barn.
(d) A large pile of discarded furniture.

3. How does Edith react when Hofmiller does not respond to her story the way she wants?
(a) She complains to her father.
(b) She throws him out of the house.
(c) She begs him to treat her better.
(d) She becomes angry and says he'll be free when they leave for the sanitarium.

4. What does Dr. Condor think will happen if Hofmiller simply flees to escape his situation with Edith?
(a) Edith will transfer her affections to him.
(b) Kekesfalva will track Hofmiller down and kill him.
(c) Edith will kill herself.
(d) Hofmiller will be arrested for abandoning his regiment.

5. How does Edith commit suicide?
(a) She shoots herself with Hofmiller's gun.
(b) She takes a bottle of sleeping pills.
(c) She jumps from the roof of the castle.
(d) She throws herself over the balcony.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Edith treated by the villagers during their stop there?

2. Realizing the predicament his lies have caused, what does Hofmiller decide to do?

3. What does Dr. Condor tell Hofmiller they must do about Hofmiller's lie to the Kekesfalvas?

4. Why does Hofmiller think it might benefit Edith to continue believing the lie about the new cure?

5. How does Edith feel after Hofmiller tells her about his financial condition?

Short Essay Questions

1. What event occurs to put a damper on Hofmiller's happiness when he returns to his barracks after the trip to the horse farm?

2. What happens at the end of the book to make Hofmiller realize he'll never be free of his guilt?

3. Why is Hofmiller unable to commit to accompanying Edith and her family to the sanitarium?

4. Describe Dr. Condor's feelings about his marriage to Klara.

5. What prompts Hofmiller to turn away from the idea of leaving the military and taking a job with Balinkay?

6. Why does Hofmiller see suicide as the only solution to his problems?

7. Why does Hofmiller initially refuse Kekesfalva's request that he marry Edith in return for Kekesfalva giving him his entire fortune?

8. How do Dr. Condor and Hofmiller decide to handle the situation regarding Hofmiller's lies about the new treatment?

9. What does Dr. Condor tell Hofmiller about the nature of pity?

10. When Hofmiller goes to the castle the day after telling Kekesfalva about the potential cure for Edith, what does he discover Kekesfalva has done to complicate the situation further?

(see the answer keys)

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