Beware of Pity Test | Final Test - Easy

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beware of Pity Test | Final Test - Easy

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Edith wants to show Hofmiller what she is capable of, what does she attempt to climb over?
(a) The stall in a barn.
(b) The garden wall.
(c) A large pile of discarded furniture.
(d) A balcony.

2. What surprising thing does Edith do as Hofmiller is about to leave her room?
(a) She tells him she is not optimistic about the treatment.
(b) She kisses him passionately.
(c) She turns away when he tries to kiss her.
(d) She offers him money to accompany her on her trip.

3. After learning Edith is in love with him, what does Ilona help Hofmiller do?
(a) Figure out how to transfer to a different unit to get away from Edith.
(b) Sneak out of the house.
(c) Decide when to ask for her hand in marriage.
(d) Buy an engagement ring for Edith.

4. How does Dr. Condor know Hofmiller told Kekesfalva about the new treatment?
(a) Kekesfalva has mentioned it in both a telegram and a letter, and Condor had not told anyone else.
(b) Ilona told him that Hofmiller discussed the treatment with Kekesfalva.
(c) Edith has phoned Dr. Condor to ask about the treatment.
(d) Hofmiller left him a note telling him of his conversation with Kekesfalva.

5. What is Dr. Condor's wife's name?
(a) Carlotta.
(b) Stefania.
(c) Klara.
(d) Isabella.

6. After leaving the military, what did Balinkay do?
(a) Marry a wealthy widow.
(b) Open a bakery.
(c) Write a novel.
(d) Move to the United States.

7. Seeing Edith's happiness, to whom does Hofmiller compare himself?
(a) Kekesfalva.
(b) God.
(c) A great general.
(d) Dr. Condor.

8. Who talks Hofmiller out of his plan?
(a) Dr. Condor.
(b) Ilona.
(c) Colonel Bubencic.
(d) Kekesfalva.

9. What does Hofmiller ask Dr. Condor to tell Edith?
(a) That he will marry her even if she does not recover.
(b) That he is in love with someone else.
(c) That he does not want to marry her under any circumstances.
(d) That he has decided to leave the country.

10. What happens when Hofmiller is unable to concentrate while he's on duty?
(a) He gets separated from his regiment and becomes lost.
(b) He is called out for giving incorrect commands and dismissed from the field.
(c) Some of his men are killed in battle.
(d) He falls off his horse and is injured.

11. Why does Ilona say she has encouraged Edith's feelings for Hofmiller?
(a) She thought it would be amusing to see what happened.
(b) She thought he'd grow to love her eventually.
(c) She did not want to crush Edith's hopes.
(d) She thought he was secretly in love with her also.

12. Once he is aware of her love for him, what is Edith afraid Hofmiller will do?
(a) Run away with Ilona.
(b) Ignore her.
(c) Leave his regiment to avoid seeing her.
(d) Tell all his friends that she declared her love for him.

13. What does Hofmiller do while Edith plays with the new foals?
(a) He calls his commanding officer.
(b) He sneaks into the barn for a nap.
(c) He calls Dr. Condor.
(d) He rides wild horses.

14. What does Hofmiller fear others will think of him if he marries Edith?
(a) That he isn't a good judge of women.
(b) That he married out of pity.
(c) That he married only for money.
(d) That the marriage won't last.

15. Later on the night following their trip, from whom does Hofmiller receive a note?
(a) Edith.
(b) Ilona.
(c) His father.
(d) Kekesfalva.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dr. Condor tell Hofmiller they must do about Hofmiller's lie to the Kekesfalvas?

2. When Hofmiller visits the Kekesfalva family after their trip, what does he bring with him?

3. What surprise gift does Edith give to Hofmiller?

4. What does Hofmiller learn about the family's upcoming plans?

5. Why is Edith so excited when Hofmiller arrives at the house the morning after his dinner with Dr. Condor?

(see the answer keys)

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