Beware of Pity Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Beware of Pity Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Stefan Zweig
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Page 34 through 76..

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Kekesfalva ask Hofmiller to be present when Dr. Condor comes to the castle and speak to him about Edith's condition?
(a) Kekesfalva wants to fire Dr. Condor from Edith's case but wants to avoid confronting him, so he asks Hofmiller to do it.
(b) Kekesfalva wants Dr. Condor to give up his other patients and devote all his time to Edith, and he wants Hofmiller to ask how much he'd expect to be paid to do that.
(c) Kekesfalva isn't sure Dr. Condor is being completely honest with him about Edith's condition and chances for improvement.
(d) Hofmiller tells Kekesfalva he is experiencing severe back pain and Kekesfalva thinks Dr. Condor might be able to help.

2. Hofmiller shows his friends a gift that Kekesfalva gave him. What is the item?
(a) An expensive first-edition book.
(b) A gold cigarette case.
(c) A silver flask.
(d) A gold pen.

3. What does Hofmiller do after Ilona explains the reason Edith became so upset at the dinner party?
(a) He explains his actions to Kekesfalva.
(b) He leaves immediately.
(c) He explains the situation to the other guests.
(d) He asks Ilona to dance.

4. What does Kekesfalva tell Hofmiller about Dr. Condor's marriage?
(a) He says the Condors are the happiest couple he knows.
(b) He says Dr. Condor married his wife out of pity because she is blind.
(c) He says Mrs. Condor was dating him first and Dr. Condor stole her away from him.
(d) He says Mrs. Condor is unaware that Dr. Condor is having an affair with his nurse.

5. Why does Hofmiller say he joined the military?
(a) He was drafted.
(b) His career was forced on him.
(c) It was his lifelong ambition.
(d) He hoped to become a general.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hofmiller see as the only negative aspect of the time he spends with Kekesfalva and his family?

2. Why is Hofmiller uncomfortable when he first arrives at the dinner party?

3. How does Ilona initially react to seeing Hofmiller in the street after he does not appear for dinner as has become his custom?

4. In the introduction, Zweig says his depiction of Kekesfalva's early life and the discrimination he felt is based on what?

5. What happens at the second dinner that makes Hofmiller feel especially happy and powerful?

(see the answer key)

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