Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of Big Business Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Harold C. Livesay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Andrew Carnegie and the Rise of Big Business Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Harold C. Livesay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Apprentice Financier.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Andrew dislike about the oil business that seems beyond control of management until the 1880s and Rockefeller?
(a) The fluctuation of price.
(b) The destructive properties of oil.
(c) The smell, messiness and waste.
(d) The instability of the economy.

2. Seeds of ambivalence develop within Andrew to appreciate what ideas?
(a) His friend's.
(b) New World.
(c) His parent's.
(d) Old World.

3. During the nineteenth century American railroads are financed by bonds with over ____ percent of their earnings used to pay bond interest.
(a) 20.
(b) 30.
(c) 40.
(d) 50.

4. Carnegie's first installment on his one-eighth interest in Woodruff is $217.50 borrowed from the bank. The balance is paid by dividends in the venture's ________ year.
(a) Fourth.
(b) First.
(c) Third.
(d) Second.

5. Carnegie's first dividend check for ________ opens a whole new world of receiving cash from capital.
(a) $80.
(b) $20.
(c) $40.
(d) $10.

Short Answer Questions

1. Relying on the telegraph lets dispatchers control what, with current information and disciplined workers?

2. Railroad ______________ run the trains, maintain rolling stock and track, price and collect charges for service on passenger and freight trains running in both directions to meet demand.

3. _____________ is the focal point that straddles the east-west route where the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers join at the Ohio River.

4. The business is _______________ with conductors and station agents collecting millions in small coin revenue.

5. Railroad receipts increase from $40 million in 1851 to _____________ fifteen years later in 1867.

(see the answer key)

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