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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Step 8 of the program?
2. What is the crossover point?
3. If people earn more than the minimum needed to pay bills, what should they do with the extra money?
4. What is the best method of choosing which expenses to reduce or eliminate?
5. Why should people try not to turn their job into an identity?
Short Essay Questions
1. How should investment income be tracked on the wall chart? What is the significance of this number?
2. Why should the wall chart be displayed where participants can view it easily?
3. Summarize the 10 SURE WAYS TO SAVE MONEY.
4. What will participants inevitably end up doing if they strive to maximize income and minimize expenses? As a result, what should they do next?
5. What are a person's options, once he reaches his crossover point?
6. How is Step 8 completed? What does it allow program participants to do?
7. What are 1,001 SURE WAYS TO SAVE MONEY?
8. What is a "cushion?" What are the advantages of having a cushion?
9. Why are most people happier when their jobs are not related to their passions?
10. What span of time should the wall chart cover? Why?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
What is inflation? Why are retired people largely inflation-proof, according to the authors? What strategies can anyone use, whether retired or not, to avoid the effects of inflation?
Essay Topic 2
If program participants genuinely have no sense of their own passion or life purpose, what advice do the authors offer as paths to insight? How can people be of service, meanwhile, if they have not yet determined their life purpose?
Essay Topic 3
What is the authors' view of work vs. personal identity? How can subtle shifts in language and attitude change a person's perspective, regarding what constitutes work? Why should security, tradition, enjoyment, duty, prestige, status, power, or social opportunities be sought after away from a person's work environment?
This section contains 902 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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