Your Money or Your Life Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Joe Dominguez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Your Money or Your Life Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Joe Dominguez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which perspective is feeling connected to a certain social class part of?
(a) Personal responsibility and transformation.
(b) Emotional and psychological.
(c) Cultural.
(d) Life energy.

2. How does eating a proper diet make sense financially?
(a) Eating less saves money.
(b) Losing weight means no money spent on gym memberships.
(c) Eating good foods can prevent illnesses and reduce medical costs.
(d) Eating three meals a day saves money.

3. What is Question 3?
(a) What are my dreams?
(b) How might this expenditure change if I did not have to work for a living?
(c) Is income greater than expenses for the month?
(d) In how many years will I be able to retire?

4. What is the second half of Step 2?
(a) Saving as much money as possible.
(b) Keeping meticulous track of every cent that comes in or goes out.
(c) Selling unnecessary luxuries.
(d) Looking for a better job.

5. The top number on the y-axis should be at least how large?
(a) Three times as large as the participant's expected income.
(b) Twice as large as the participant's expected expenses.
(c) Equal to the participant's expected income.
(d) Twice as large as the participant's expected income.

Short Answer Questions

1. How often should people total their income and expenses?

2. What is Step 6?

3. Which perspective is the notion of "keeping up with the neighbors" part of?

4. Which perspective of money should readers embrace?

5. What encourages family, friends, and neighbors to support the participant's goals in following this program?

(see the answer key)

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