Your Money or Your Life Test | Final Test - Easy

Joe Dominguez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Your Money or Your Life Test | Final Test - Easy

Joe Dominguez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What should a participant plot on their wall chart each month?
(a) Life energy spent.
(b) Hours worked.
(c) All purchases.
(d) Income and expenses.

2. Most of the 101 SURE WAYS TO SAVE MONEY have what added benefit?
(a) They delay retirement.
(b) They improve career options.
(c) They increase hourly wage.
(d) They are good for the planet.

3. What encourages family, friends, and neighbors to support the participant's goals in following this program?
(a) Asking them for a loan.
(b) Making retirement plans with them.
(c) Placing the wall chart in a public place.
(d) Making wall charts for them to use.

4. What should retired people do with their excess monthly income?
(a) Reinvest it or use it to do new projects.
(b) Determing a new crossover point.
(c) Use it to buy life energy.
(d) Help other family members reach the crossover point.

5. What is the best thing to do with the interest received?
(a) Put the money under a mattress for a rainy day.
(b) Purchase a larger home as a hedge against inflation.
(c) Reinvest it.
(d) Purchase rental properties.

6. Which of the following is the one and only thing that a job should be about?
(a) Duty or desire to be of service.
(b) Security.
(c) Learning valuable information or skills.
(d) Earning money.

7. Statistically, how many Americans are overweight?
(a) Three-fourths.
(b) Half.
(c) Two-thirds.
(d) One-third.

8. The top number on the y-axis should be at least how large?
(a) Twice as large as the participant's expected income.
(b) Twice as large as the participant's expected expenses.
(c) Three times as large as the participant's expected income.
(d) Equal to the participant's expected income.

9. In the 101 SURE WAYS TO SAVE MONEY section, what do the authors advise people to do in order to save on housing?
(a) Consider non-traditional housing.
(b) Buy a larger home as a hedge against inflation.
(c) Avoid non-traditional housing.
(d) Buy and manage multiple rental properties.

10. What is one advantage of estimating the likely timing of the crossover point?
(a) People tend to leave their current job for a more enjoyable one.
(b) People retire early.
(c) People spend less.
(d) People may become more eager about going to work and doing a good job.

11. What usually happens after a person retires from their job?
(a) Expenses go up.
(b) Expenses go down.
(c) Expenses and income stay about the same.
(d) Income goes up.

12. How many credit cards should program participants keep?
(a) One for everyday use and one for emergencies.
(b) One for business use, one for personal use, and one for emergencies.
(c) One, to be used only in emergencies.
(d) None.

13. What do the authors warn job-hunters to avoid?
(a) Taking a job too closely connected to a hobby or passion.
(b) Spending a lot of money on schemes to find the perfect job.
(c) Taking a job that requires relocation.
(d) Taking the first offer that comes along.

14. What is the crossover point?
(a) When the amount of investment income is lower than normal monthly expenses.
(b) When the amount of investment income is as high as normal monthly expenses.
(c) When the amount of total income is as high as normal monthly expenses.
(d) When the amount of total income is lower than normal monthly expenses.

15. What should be repeatedly placed along the x-axis of the wall chart?
(a) J F M A M J J A S O N D.
(b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7.
(c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.
(d) M T W T F S S.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are two tips for reducing transportation expenses?

2. What should people be willing to do?

3. Monthly investment income is calculated by determining current excess money each month, then doing what?

4. What percentage of useful life objects could people add if they were not so anxious to replace them?

5. How do most people define work?

(see the answer keys)

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