Walden Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Walden Two Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

B. F. Skinner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 196 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the highest level of community leadership at Walden Two?
(a) The Board of Planners.
(b) The Community Action Board.
(c) The Chief of the Community, who is Frazier.
(d) The Management Board.

2. What is the figure of speech contained in the name of the passageway where the visitors first have tea?
(a) Illusion.
(b) Attribution.
(c) Allusion.
(d) Symbolism.

3. According to Frazier's explanation, what is one of the most important expected outcomes of Walden Two's approach to organizing work?
(a) This will usher in a "Golden Age" of creativity.
(b) Members will become more productive.
(c) Walden Two will be productive and self-sufficient.
(d) Walden Two will prosper economically.

4. What part does soup play in one of the lessons that the children must learn in order to internalize ethics?
(a) Children must stand before the soup for five minutes before drinking it.
(b) Children have to watch adults drink soup and go without.
(c) Children stand before the soup for half an hour before drinking it.
(d) Children watch their peers drinking soup and go without.

5. As far as men and women are concerned, which of the following best sums up the way Frazier describes the allocation of work at Walden Two?
(a) Men do leadership and scientific work, while women do housework.
(b) There appears to be little difference in the allocation of work between men and women.
(c) Women take care of their children and work in the kitchen.
(d) Men participate actively in child-rearing.

6. Who is the narrator of Walden Two?
(a) Professor Burris.
(b) Castle.
(c) Rogers.
(d) Frazier.

7. How does Burris respond to the women of Walden Two when he first sees them?
(a) He thinks they look dull and bored.
(b) He considers them beautiful.
(c) He considers them plain.
(d) He thinks they look overworked and unhappy.

8. What is the philosophy of the women as described by Mrs. Meyerson after Burris makes his comment?
(a) They place no emphasis on looking good.
(b) They are avid followers of modern fashion.
(c) They dress to flatter themselves but do not follow fashion.
(d) They dress to disguise their attractiveness.

9. When Roger and Barbara join the others for breakfast, how does Barbara stand out from the visitors?
(a) Barbara does not eat breakfast.
(b) Barbara leaves the group and eats by herself.
(c) Barbara brings Roger his breakfast.
(d) They all serve themselves breakfast, but Roger brings Barbara hers.

10. What is the most advanced exercise for children to learn ethics?
(a) Some children must skip one meal while others eat.
(b) Half of the children wait for five minutes while the other half go on eating.
(c) Half of the children wait half-an-hour, while the other half go on eating.
(d) Children must feed their peers without getting food for themselves.

11. Which member of the group raises questions about mother love for babies?
(a) Rogers.
(b) Castle.
(c) Barbara.
(d) Mary.

12. After their tour of the dairy, when Mrs. Meyerson joins the group, what tradition involving young couples do the visitors observe?
(a) They work on their own living quarters.
(b) They attend parenting classes.
(c) They attend counseling sessions.
(d) They learn to cook and bake.

13. Which of the visitors is the first one to appear critical of Walden Two?
(a) Castle.
(b) Rogers.
(c) Burris.
(d) Macklin.

14. As the group observes the child's birthday celebration, how does the author add a human touch to the portrayal of Frazier?
(a) The child is Frazier's daughter and he gives her a big hug.
(b) Frazier makes a touching speech.
(c) Frazier seems proud and happy for the girl, and Burris thinks he sees a tear on Frazier's cheek.
(d) Frazier expresses sadness because he has no children of his own.

15. How does Frazier seek to integrate the visitors with the work system at Walden Two?
(a) The visitors must work the same number of hours as the members.
(b) The visitors are assigned to observe specific work groups and report on their observations.
(c) The visitors must work in at least two areas before they leave.
(d) Each visitor is required to contribute two hours work per day.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the first member of Walden Two that Frazier allows the group to meet?

2. Why does the author expand the visiting group to include these members?

3. According to Mrs. Meyerson, what is the reason behind the women's attitude to dress?

4. What evidence does Frazier cite to support his argument about the impact of leisure on Walden Two?

5. As Frazier explains the operations of Walden Two to the visitors, what technique does the author use to support the ideas behind Walden Two's operations?

(see the answer keys)

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