The Phenomenology of Mind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Phenomenology of Mind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Hegel, how does the animal fulfill its purpose?
(a) By attaining reflection.
(b) By attaining consciousness.
(c) By living.
(d) By reconciling its self with reality.

2. According to the translator, what does "the fact of the matter" refer to?
(a) Conditions surrounding an event.
(b) An assertion of the truth of something.
(c) Realities as they appear to subjectivity.
(d) An absolute reality.

3. How does Hegel describe Necessity?
(a) Hegel says that Necessity liberates man to make free will decisions.
(b) Hegel says that Necessity gives man everything he needs.
(c) Hegel says that Necessity crushes men's freedom with fate.
(d) Hegel says that Necessity works against the law of the heart.

4. According tio Hegel where do psychological laws originate?
(a) In the concrete reality of the self.
(b) In the failure of the power of observation.
(c) In the fulfillment of self-consciousness.
(d) In self-reflection.

5. What do both parts of a lordship/bondage relationship seek in Hegel's philosophy?
(a) The elimination of the other.
(b) Equilibrium.
(c) Dominance.
(d) Self-certainty of consciousness.

6. According to Hegel, how does the truth of concrete individuals manifest?
(a) It manifests in action.
(b) It manifests in self-conflict.
(c) If manifests without any doubt.
(d) It manifests in every decision.

7. What is the purpose of Hegel's treatise?
(a) To dispel superstition.
(b) To cultivate the scientific mind.
(c) To prove the existence and thoughts of God.
(d) To disprove the need for religion.

8. How does Hegel describe notions?
(a) As aspects of laws.
(b) As anamnesis.
(c) As contingent on subjectivity.
(d) As actual things.

9. What is the result of force in Hegel's philosophy?
(a) A new authority.
(b) A reassessment of relationships.
(c) A new law.
(d) A new understanding.

10. What is a pre-condition to Reason according to Hegel?
(a) Stable sources of food and shelter.
(b) Stable self-certainty.
(c) Transcendent self-awareness.
(d) Double consciousness.

11. In Hegel's terminology, what does the term "sensibility" pertain to?
(a) A physiological apparatus for perception.
(b) A zeitgeist, a spirit of the times.
(c) An entity whose end is itself.
(d) A mental construct that organizes sensations.

12. According to Hegel, self-consciousness is aware of itself relative to what?
(a) Conscience and desire.
(b) Objects and universals.
(c) Desire and loss.
(d) Infant fulfillment and abstract promises.

13. What is the purpose of an animal's mentality in Hegel's opinion?
(a) To fulfill human purposes.
(b) To manifest the univeral mind.
(c) To match organic nature.
(d) To evolve toward consciousness.

14. According to Hegel, what constitutes the Course of the World?
(a) The heart and its desire and development.
(b) The events of the world as external reality.
(c) The external reality that informs subjectivity.
(d) The inner events that motivate external reality.

15. How does Hegel describe reason?
(a) As uniquely human.
(b) As a stage of mind.
(c) As an evolutionary benefit.
(d) As evidence of the divine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What school of thought influenced Hegel's writing?

2. To what does the term "sensibility" apply according to Hegel?

3. What does Hegel say accompanies the process of Virtue bringing good into the world?

4. What does "the concrete" have in Hegel's account?

5. In Hegel's philosophy, what does the self want instead of the good and the true?

(see the answer keys)

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