Me Talk Pretty One Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Me Talk Pretty One Day Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The celebrity Sedaris' barber is fascinated by is
(a) Madonna.
(b) Michael Jackson.
(c) Jodi Foster.
(d) Mel Gibson.

2. Though Sedaris is in Paris, he spends most of his time
(a) Watching foreign films.
(b) Watching documentaries.
(c) Watching silent films.
(d) Watching American films.

3. Martin, the American husband, remarks that
(a) Sedaris stole Hugh's wallet.
(b) Sedaris does not speak French well.
(c) Sedaris, like all the French, smells badly.
(d) Sedaris stole his wallet on his last trip to Paris.

4. Sedaris notes that American businesses ask consumers to conserve water and napkins, but not
(a) The services or products consumers pay for.
(b) The services or products that are complimentary.
(c) Items that can be re-used.
(d) Expensive items.

5. When Sedaris watches American movies in Paris, he
(a) Does not feel ashamed to be American.
(b) Does not feel homesick.
(c) Does not remember he is in Paris.
(d) Does not feel guilty for escaping to the theatre.

Short Answer Questions

1. When men are injured by the vachettes, Sedaris

2. Sedaris is surprised to learn that in France,

3. At the start of the essay, Sedaris explains how he met

4. Sedaris does not usually socialize with the members of his French class because

5. Sedaris bonds with the other students

Short Essay Questions

1. How has Sedaris' childhood been different from Hugh's?

2. Why does the barber refuse to believe Jodi Foster would clean up after her own dog while walking on the beach?

3. While watching the girl dangle from a broken ride at the Paris street fair, what is Sedaris most concerned about?

4. Why is Sedaris devastated to learn that his former boyfriend works the Times crossword puzzle?

5. How does Sedaris attempt to charm his teacher with his humor?

6. Why does Sedaris allow the American couple to insult him without admitting he speaks English?

7. What does Sedaris do to help himself sleep at night when various beverages fail him?

8. Why does Sedaris believe he cannot have the same movie-viewing experiences in America that he has in Paris?

9. What does Sedaris finally conclude about his obsession with crossword puzzles?

10. Describe the Easter celebration the Sedaris family held each year.

(see the answer keys)

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