Comics and Sequential Art Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Comics and Sequential Art Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why must the sequential artist and the reader share any experience?
(a) So the panels are read correctly.
(b) So the reader understands the entirety of the piece.
(c) So communication can occur.
(d) So the artist can get paid.

2. In Eisner's third example of "Contract with God" what drips from the heavy lettering?
(a) Water.
(b) Blood.
(c) Amber.
(d) Resin.

3. In the Spirit story "Two Lives," which character is incarcerated?
(a) Cranfranz Qwayle.
(b) Carboy T. Gretch.
(c) John.
(d) Mariford Rubens.

4. What does the nature of lettering reflect about the artist?
(a) The artist's soul.
(b) The artist's style.
(c) The artist's weight.
(d) The artist's race.

5. What did comics evolve into?
(a) Comic newspapers.
(b) Storybooks.
(c) Diatomes.
(d) Graphic novels.

6. Graphic novels include reading written words and what else, for example?
(a) Pictures, maps, circuit diagrams, musical notes.
(b) Touch, taste, smell, pictures.
(c) Images, love, theory, abstraction.
(d) 3D worlds, technology, maps, music.

7. When are the outlines determined by the artist?
(a) After the rest of the comic is drawn.
(b) After the artist decides on the action.
(c) While the artist draws the page.
(d) Before the artist decides on the action.

8. In "Contract with God," how is the text lettered?
(a) Partly in astrological charts.
(b) Partly in Hebraic style.
(c) Partly in Celtic runes.
(d) Partly in Yiddish.

9. In which 18th century tool do inscriptions reappear?
(a) Narrowpanels.
(b) Broadsheets.
(c) Narrowplanes.
(d) Broadpages.

10. Imagery examines and illustrates the juxtaposition of what two things?
(a) Words and movement.
(b) Music and imagery.
(c) Words and imagery.
(d) Sound and thought.

11. What do comics largely emulate?
(a) Surrealist perspectives.
(b) Visual aesthetics.
(c) Real experience.
(d) Angelic visions.

12. What can happen after letters in comics are devised from familiar objects?
(a) They are reduced.
(b) They become concrete.
(c) They are abstracted.
(d) They function verbally.

13. What specific content does Chapter 4 discuss?
(a) Didactic dictation.
(b) Broad ideas.
(c) Technical specifics.
(d) Significant authors.

14. The sequential artist and the reader must share what kind of experience?
(a) Monetary trade.
(b) Skill set experience.
(c) Oral communication.
(d) Life experience.

15. What element of weather messes with the typeface in Eisner's second example?
(a) Wind.
(b) Snow.
(c) Lightning.
(d) Rain.

Short Answer Questions

1. What must be broken down into segments when using a full-page frame?

2. As artists tell stories to mass audiences, what do they use as means of arrangement?

3. In the third example in a "Contract with God," the heavy lettering is above what creature?

4. What other things can lettering reflect in comics?

5. What long Spirit story does Eisner analyze in Chapter 3?

(see the answer keys)

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