Black Boy Out of Time: A Memoir Test | Final Test - Easy

Hari Ziyad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Black Boy Out of Time: A Memoir Test | Final Test - Easy

Hari Ziyad
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 184 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Hari's father react to his gender expression?
(a) He criticizes and dismisses his gender expression.
(b) He encourages him to express himself.
(c) He is fully supportive and understanding.
(d) He is confused but willing to learn.

2. In Canto III: Free, "Chapter 16: A Prayer for Freedom," what is the main theme?
(a) Nostalgia.
(b) Parent-child relationships.
(c) Queer identity.
(d) Loneliness.

3. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 12: A Prayer for New Language," what does Timothy believe is important for him and Hari's relationship despite their differences?
(a) Sharing all interests.
(b) Open communication and compromise.
(c) Frequent romantic gestures.
(d) Spending all their time together.

4. What does Hari's father deny vehemently?
(a) Memories of abuse.
(b) Queerness.
(c) Relationship with his mother.
(d) Need for closure.

5. Why does Hari assume his mother sees him as a child-hazard?
(a) Because he is caring for Nikkee's toddler.
(b) Because of his essay on childhood sexual abuse.
(c) He is practicing social distancing.
(d) Because he is queer.

6. Why are Black individuals more susceptible to health disparities, according to Hari?
(a) Cultural preferences for alternative medicine.
(b) Inadequate healthcare infrastructure.
(c) Natural immune deficiencies.
(d) Genetic superiority.

7. In Canto III: Free, "Chapter 14: A Prayer for Healing," how does Hari explore his personal connection to the narrative of mortality?
(a) By recounting childhood memories and experiences.
(b) By analyzing global historical data.
(c) Through interviews with medical experts.
(d) Through interviews with medical experts.

8. How does Hari feel about being called bro?
(a) He is indifferent to it.
(b) He appreciates it.
(c) He finds it amusing.
(d) He dislikes it.

9. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 13: Logging Out of Passport Twitter," why does Hari refuse to go to the AA meeting with Cloud?
(a) He does not believe Cloud needs help.
(b) He is unwilling to support Cloud's sobriety.
(c) He struggles to articulate his feelings about it.
(d) He wants to avoid discussing their own problems.

10. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 13: Logging Out of Passport Twitter," what does Hari's responsibility entail in his friendship with Cloud?
(a) To protect his Black identity and community.
(b) To prioritize Cloud's well-being over his own.
(c) To avoid confronting anti-Blackness.
(d) To suppress his own emotions.

11. What does prison abolition seek to address?
(a) The lack of support for survivors.
(b) The harm caused by punitive thinking.
(c) The inadequacies of the legal system.
(d) The need for stricter punishment for harm-doers.

12. In Canto III: Free, "Chapter 14: A Prayer for Healing," what lesson does Hari ultimately learn about his perspective on mortality and blame?
(a) Blaming others is counterproductive and harmful.
(b) Blaming oneself is necessary for personal growth.
(c) Blame is irrelevant in the face of death.
(d) Assigning blame is essential for understanding mortality.

13. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 11: My Gender is Black," how does Hari feel about the blame he places on his parents?
(a) He is uncertain about whether blaming is necessary.
(b) He feels justified in blaming his parents.
(c) He continues to blame his parents for his struggles.
(d) He realizes blaming is counterproductive.

14. How does Hari view the idea of care in his relationship with Cloud?
(a) Care is only possible through empathy.
(b) Care must always look the same for everyone.
(c) Care can take different forms based on the relationship dynamics.
(d) Care should be limited to emotional support.

15. What impact has the global health pandemic had on marginalized communities, according to Hari?
(a) Increased economic opportunities.
(b) Reduced access to education.
(c) Higher mortality rates, particularly among Black people.
(d) Heightened access to healthcare.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 9: Representation Matters?", what is Hari's initial perception of moving to New York City for college?

2. In Canto II: Queer, "Chapter 12: A Prayer for New Language," what is Hari's reaction to Timothy's request to have an open relationship?

3. Why does Hari feel blindsided by Justus's talk about her queerness?

4. In the "Epilogue: A Prayer for my Grandmother," how does Hari perceive his entry into the television industry through the page program?

5. What makes it difficult for survivors to name the harm they endured?

(see the answer keys)

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